VDU vyko tarptautinė darbuotojų mobilumo savaitė


Gegužės 2–6 dienomis, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto (VDU) Tarptautinių ryšių departamentas organizavo tarptautinę mobilumo savaitę, kurioje dalyvavo pagal „Erasmus+“ mobilumo programą atvykę 70 dėstytojų ir neakademinio personalo atstovų iš 31 šalies.

Svečiai susipažino su VDU bei dalyvavo įvairiose veiklose: mokymuose, sociokultūriniuose renginiuose, skaitė paskaitas ir dalinosi patirtimi su VDU bendruomenės atstovais.  Dalyviai turėjo galimybę užmegzti naujus ryšius, pažinti Lietuvą ir jos kultūrą bei dalyvauti „Transform4Europe“ aljanso organizuotuose kultūrinių meistriškumo kursų veiklose, kurias vedė savo srities profesionalai.

Dalyvių atsiliepimai:

“The spectacular Erasmus+ Staff Week is the most remarkable moment of a teacher in the Academe. This event led to an expansion of wider horizon of faculties coming from the different parts of the world. This program of the ERASMUS is really a marvelous opportunity for people to discuss socrative method of teaching and learning and thus, this would also help the host country as well as its receiving institutions open its door to opportunities and challenges towards attaining competitiveness in the global market.”

“The organization of the staff teaching week was excellent. The fact that there were participants from different partner Universities doing similar activities provided the opportunity to network and meet other scientists from across the world. The social activities also provided the opportunity to learn the history and culture of Lithuanians. It was a great and rewarding experience.”

“Overall, the event was perfectly organized, and all the details were taken into account. Both the administrative and the teaching stuff, as well as the students were very considerate and welcoming. It was a great pleasure to be a part of VMU and gain new experience and impressions both on a professional and personal levels.”