VDU organizuojamos Erasmus+ BIP programos

Mišriosios intensyvios programos (angl. Blended Intensive Program, BIP) – trumpos, intensyvios programos, kuriose naudojami novatoriški mokymosi ir mokymo metodai, įskaitant nuotolinį mokymąsi ir bendradarbiavimą internetu. Mišrioji intensyvioji programa turi suteikti papildomą vertę, lyginant su dalyvaujančių aukštojo mokslo institucijų siūlomais esamais kursais ar mokymais. Sudarydamos galimybę taikyti naujus ir lankstesnius mobilumo formatus, kuriuose fizinis mobilumas derinamas su privaloma virtualia dalimi, mišriosios intensyviosios programos siekia įtraukti visų tipų studentus (ar darbuotojus), nepriklausomai nuo jų patirties, studijų srities ar pakopos.

VDU padalinių organizuojamos / organizuotos BIP programos:

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-24
Period of the physical mobility (dates): July 7-11, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): April 10, 24 and May 8, 15, 22, 2025
Short description of the programme:
This course is designed to develop students' collaborative skills while exploring critical legal issues in digital technology regulation within the European context. Participants will analyze relevant topics such as data protection, artificial intelligence governance, platform liability, and cybersecurity law. Through this process, students will improve their practical English skills, particularly in legal terminology and argumentation. The course emphasizes comparative analysis, enabling students to gain valuable insights into the laws and legal traditions of their own countries as well as those of other European nations. This approach will highlight the challenges and opportunities in harmonizing digital regulations across the EU, including the implementation of key legislation like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Digital Services Act (DSA), and the Artificial Intelligence Act.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. University of Helsinki
2. University of Primorska
3. University of Saarland
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Law
Programme coordinator: Aušrinė Pasvenskienė, email: ausrine.pasvenskiene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-7
Period of the physical mobility (dates): June 9-13, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): June 2-6 2025
Short description of the programme:
The aim of this program is to transfer the knowledge and skills to students so that they would be able to create their own business plan and be confident to present it to various stakeholders (shareholders, bankers, co-workers or clients). This course will combine theoretical knowledge from various subjects (Planning, Marketing, Structures, Salaries, Budget, etc.) and provide practical abilities to plan, organize and control business, motivate employees and predict important business indicators for shareholders and business administration.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Czestochowa University of Technology
2. Estonian University of Life Sciences
3. Jagiellonian University
4. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
5. WSB Merito University in Opole
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of the Agriculture Academy
Programme coordinator: Monika Medikienė, email: monika.medikiene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-12
Period of the physical mobility (dates): May 19-23, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): May 12, 2025
Short description of the programme:
The "Sustainable Personal Finance" Blended Learning Program equips students with essential financial literacy skills to make informed, sustainable financial decisions. Combining online modules and interactive in-person sessions, it covers eco-friendly budgeting, sustainable investing, debt management, and ethical consumption. The program fosters lifelong habits for financial well-being, empowering students to align their finances with personal and environmental values.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. University of Silesia in Katowice
2. University of Sassari
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Economics and Management
Programme coordinator: Mantautas Račkauskas, email: mantautas.rackauskas@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-6
Period of the physical mobility (dates): May 12-16, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): May 5, 2025
Short description of the programme:
The objectives of the course are to familiarize students with mainstream artificial intelligence methods, which includes mainly comprise neural networks, fuzzy systems and probabilistic reasoning as well as novel evolutionary computing methods for optimization. The basic methods of artificial intelligence, explainable artificial intelligence and optimization for economic model construction and computer simulation are considered. The corresponding traditional mathematical and statistical methods are also considered briefly for the sake of comparison. Mainly MatlabTM, R (with Jamovi) and SPSS are used in demos and simulations.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Estonian University of Life Sciences
2. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
3. University of Helsinki
4. University of Life Sciences in Lublin
5. Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of the Agriculture Academy
Programme coordinator: Monika Medikienė, email: monika.medikiene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-5
Period of the physical mobility (dates): May 12-16, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): April 28 and May 5, 2025
Short description of the programme:
The aim of the programme is to introduce and expand students' knowledge and experience with international practices and approaches (from Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, and Greece) for managing voice, swallowing, acquired language and communication, and speech sound disorders in both children and adults. The course has been designed to enhance students’ understanding of the descriptions of these disorders, as well as the assessment criteria, procedures, methods, and tools used in their evaluation and treatment. This programme offers comprehensive insights into the main theoretical and practical frameworks for speech and language therapy, alongside guidance on effective strategies. By participating in this course, students will have the opportunity to develop essential practical skills through a range of learning methods. The curriculum includes engaging in theoretical lectures, collaborating in international groups to share experiences, and visiting speech and language therapy (SLT) practical placements in Lithuania. This ensures that students gain valuable perspectives from various countries and enhances their ability to apply learned strategies in professional settings.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Riga Technical University
2. University of Ioannina
3. University of Turin
Organizing unit(s): Education Academy
Programme coordinators: Sigita Remeikienė, email: sigita.remeikiene@vdu.lt, Daiva Kairienė daiva.kairiene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-4
Period of the physical mobility (dates): May 6-10, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): April 28, 2025
Short description of the programme:
The Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) "Zoom on Lithuania: Exploring Culture at the Scene of Action" offers participants an immersive experience in Lithuanian culture, focusing on its traditional roots, modern transformations, and interactions with contemporary arts. With lectures, workshops, and cultural excursions in Kaunas, participants will creatively apply their learning and explore the city’s rich cultural heritage, guided by experienced lecturers and creatives from Vytautas Magnus University, along with guest speakers from other European universities.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
2. Charles University
3. Jagiellonian University
4. Masaryk University
5. University of Helsinki
6. University of Latvia
7. University of Vienna
8. University of Warsaw
9. University of Wroclaw
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Humanities
Programme coordinator: Greta Garnytė, email: greta.garnyte@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-11
Period of the physical mobility (dates): April 7-11, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): March 20, 2025
Short description of the programme:
BIP in Kaunas for is dedicated to enhancing quality culture practices and building connections with colleagues. BIP is focused on exploring and advancing quality assurance (QA) in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), aiming to explore key milestones, best practices, and strategic approaches to fostering excellence in higher education institutions.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: staff
Partner institutions:
1. University of Alicante
2. University of Silesia in Katowice
Organizing unit(s): Study Quality Unit of the Study Department
Programme coordinator: Žydrūnė Žemaitytė-Kviklienė, email: zydrune.zemaityte-kvikliene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-23
Period of the physical mobility (dates): April 7-11, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): March 28, 2025
Short description of the programme:
The course introduces theoretical and practical aspects of data cleaning, analysis and visualization. Different techniques for data analysis (descriptive statistics, etc.) and visualization are introduced. Students will be guided through examples of how data analysis can be applied in practice also will learn to select and use appropriate visualization techniques for any type of information and/or data. Students will work together on team projects to develop their creative and technical skills as well as to learn from their peers.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Estonian University of Life Sciences
2. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
3. Linnaeus University
4. TTK University of Applied Sciences
5. University of Latvia
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Informatics
Programme coordinator: Daiva Rimkuvienė, email: daiva.rimkuviene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-10
Period of the physical mobility (dates): March 10-14, 2025
Period of the virtual component (dates): March 5 and March 19, 2025
Short description of the programme:
Digital learning tools have become an integral part of educational process, on one hand enriching traditional learning with various tools, means and learning spaces, on the other hand, at the same time rising challenges, such as use of IT tools, digital content creation, robotics and AI tool application, purposeful use of virtual learning environments and adequate time allocation for these measures. Students at younger school age should work with these tools for a limited time, therefore their selection should be purposeful and thoughtful. Another important aspect is the adaptation of the school to the needs of each student, creating conditions for learning for each student, therefore, during the meetings, attention will be paid to getting to know innovative environments, and visiting educational institutions where children with different needs study in dedicated spaces, including sensory rooms and other necessary facilities.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Daugavpils University
2. Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
3. University of Zielona Góra
Organizing unit(s): Education Academy
Programme coordinators: Sigita Remeikienė, email: sigita.remeikiene@vdu.lt, Ilona Tandzegolskienė-Bielaglovė, e-mail: ilona.tandzegolskiene-bielaglove@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-3
Period of the physical mobility (dates): November 18-22, 2024
Period of the virtual component (dates): November 7, 2024
Short description of the programme:
The objectives of the course are to familiarize students with currently relevant wildlife management and conservation topics in forest and agricultural ecosystems. We aim to represent wildlife management under different socioeconomic conditions within a wide North-South gradient in Europe. The course will cover topics about large carnivore population management and society conflicts, restoration of wildlife population, their role in forest ecosystems and agriculture.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Estonian University of Life Sciences
2. Karelia University of Applied Sciences
3. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
4. Transilvania University of Brasov
5. University of Agriculture in Krakow
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology of the Agriculture Academy
Programme coordinator: Monika Medikienė, email: monika.medikiene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-2
Period of the physical mobility (dates): October 21–25, 2024
Period of the virtual component (dates): October 17, 2024
Short description of the programme:
The BIP brings together piano students from the Royal Danish Academy of Music, the Norwegian Academy of Music and VMU MA for a unique week of masterclasses with distinguished professors, open lectures on psychological preparation for stage performance, the contributions of renowned Lithuanian musicians, online pre-mobility lecture. The program includes student concerts in Vilnius, Kaunas, collaborative music-making between students, cultural activities and in-depth discussions on stage performance psychology.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Norwegian Academy of Music
2. The Royal Danish Academy of Music
Organizing unit(s): Music Academy
Programme coordinator: Dominykas Šimonis, email: dominykas.simonis@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2024-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000200683-1
Period of the physical mobility (dates): October 21–25, 2024
Period of the virtual component (dates): October 8, 2024
Short description of the programme:
The aim of the course is to develop the competencies of students needed to solve complex problems of natural resource management to achieve the goals of sustainable development.
Objectives of this course includes enabling students to critically assess the situation of natural resource use; deepening students’ knowledge of soil, crops, and environment interactions; providing theoretical knowledge about green infrastructure and present practical green infrastructure solutions; and discussing the possibilities of preventing climate change, civilization diseases and health problems of the inhabitants.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Estonian University of Life Sciences
2. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
3. University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Organizing unit(s): Agronomy Faculty of the Agriculture Academy
Programme coordinator: Monika Medikienė, email: monika.medikiene@vdu.lt

BIP ID: 2022-1-LT01-KA131-HED-000059743-3
Period of the physical mobility (dates): June 10-14, 2024
Period of the virtual component (dates): June 3-7, 2024
Short description of the programme:
The aim of this program is to transfer the knowledge and skills to students so that they would be able to create their own business plan and be confident to present it to various stakeholders (shareholders, bankers, co-workers or clients). This course will combine theoretical knowledge from various subjects (Planning, Marketing, Structures, Salaries, Budget, etc.) and provide practical abilities to plan, organize and control business, motivate employees and predict important business indicators for shareholders and business administration.
Type of participants (learners) targeted: students
Number of ECTS credits awarded: 3 ECTS
Partner institutions:
1. Estonian University of Life Sciences
2. Jagiellonian University
3. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
4. WSB Merito University in Wrocław
Organizing unit(s): Faculty of Bioeconomy Development of the Agriculture Academy
Programme coordinator: Monika Medikienė, email: monika.medikiene@vdu.lt