Sodininkystės biotechnologija

  • Dalyko kodas: BTC 6023
  • Apimtis ECTS kreditais: 6
  • Pavadinimas anglų kalba: Horticulture Biotechnology
  • Dalyko aprašo rengėjas(-ai):

    Dr. Rytis Rugienius, Institute of Horticulture, LRCAF; Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology

Dalyko anotacija lietuvių kalba

Kurso metu nagrinėjamas augalų biotechnologijos svarba žmogui ir gamtos išsaugojimui. Aiškinami morfogenezės in vitro keliai, sėkmingo mikrodauginimo sąlygos, augalų antrinių metabolitų gavimo bioreaktoriuose pasiekimai ir problemos, galimybės ir būdai keisti reakcijos į stresą genų raišką. Nagrinėjama molekulinių žymenų reikšmė identifikuojant genus ir kartografuojant genomus. Išklausę kursą magistrantai sugebės kurti, tobulinti ir taikyti augalų biotechnologijos metodus.

Dalyko anotacija užsienio kalba

Importance of plant biotechnology to human health and nature preservation analyze during the course. Morphogenesis routes in vitro, achievements and problems of micropropagation, production of secondary metabolites in bioreactors, expression of genes related to stress are explained. Use of molecular markers for gene identification and gene mapping of different crops are discussed. After finishing the course students will be able to develop, optimize and apply methods of plant biotechnology.

Būtinas pasirengimas dalyko studijoms

To hear courses of biology, genetics, biophysics required.

Dalyko studijų rezultatai

Understand the principles horticulture biotechnology.
To show applications of horticulture biotechnology.
Design an experiment of horticulture micropropagation.
Control of plant regeneration from isolated cells and tissues.
Implement of pest and disease free plant material growing system in vitro.
Manage of bioinformatics methods.
Understand the effects of technological and engineering solutions of horticulture biotechnology on the public and environment.

Dalyko turinys

1. Development of plant biotechnology, its importance to human life, agriculture and nature preservation.
2. Plant growth, nutrition, propagation and plant biotechnology.
3. Plant cell structure peculiarities, important for plant biotechnology.
4. Plant morphogenesis in vitro.
5. Growing of isolated protoplasts and plant regeneration.
6. Plant micropropagation and its applications.
7. Plant biological engineering.
8. Plant secondary metabolites and bioreactors.
9. Plant resistance to biotic and abiotic factors and biotechnology.
10. Molecular markers, identification of genes and genotyping.
Practical work (contents):
Evaluation of cold hardines of Fragaria, Pyrus, Malus and Miscanthus plants in vitro, micropropagation of strawberry (Fragaria), isolation of strawberry protoplasts and its viability evaluation, plant genotyping, interpretation of SSR analysis results, plant preparation for cryopreservation and long term storage.

Dalyko studijos valandomis

Lectures – 45 hours, laboratory work– 15 hours, examination – 3 hours, individual work – 97 hours.

Studijų rezultatų vertinimas

Final assessment sums the assessments of written final examination (50%), written mid-term examination (20%) and assessment of laboratory works (30%).


1. 2005 Sliesaravičius, A ir Stanys, V. Žemės ūkio augalų biotechnologija. Vilnius, Enciklopedija
2. 2004 Christou P., Klee H. Handbook of Plant Biotechnology
Slater J. A., Scott N., Fowler M. Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants. Wiley and Sons Ltd Oxford University Press
Supplementary materials
1. 2004 Nguyen H. T., Blum A. Physiology and biotechnology integration for plant breeding. Marcel Dekker
2. 2002 Oksman-Caldentey K-M., Barz W.H. Plant biotechnology and transgenic plants Marcel Dekker
3. 2007 Shetty K., Paliyath G., Pometto A.L., Levin R.E. Functional foods and biotechnology. Taylor and Francis