Miško biotechnologija
Dalyko anotacija lietuvių kalba
Kurso metu susipažįstama su gyvųjų miško organizmų įvairove, jų metaboline veikla, pagrindinių ir antrinių miško produktų gavybos ir perdirbimo technologijomis. Dalyko eigoje suteikiamos praktinės žinios įgalins sėkmingai taikyti biotechnologines priemones miško augalų bei su jais susijusių mikroorganizmų produkcijos gerinimui.
Dalyko anotacija užsienio kalba
The course introduces to the biodiversity of forest organisms, to their metabolic activities, and to the extraction and conversion technologies for the primary and secondary forest products. The practical knowledge provided by the course will enable a successful application of biotechnologies for the improvement of high-value production from forest plants and associated microorganisms.
Būtinas pasirengimas dalyko studijoms
General biology. Plant Physiology. Biochemistry. General Genetics. Microbiology. General Biotechnology. Plant Biotechnology
Dalyko studijų rezultatai
Knowing and understanding the functioning of forest ecosystems.
Knowing extraction and conversion methods for the variety of bio-products from forest plants.
Managing to manipulate in vitro cultures of forest plants.
Knowing the variety of forest fungi and bacteria and managing their biotechnological exploitation.
Dalyko turinys
1. Introduction: The diversity of forest organisms and their products.
2. Forest ecology. Natural interconnections between forest organisms and functioning of forest ecosystems.
3. Carbon and nitrogen circulation in forest ecosystems. The role for different organism groups.
4. Tree physiology and wood production.
5. Wood biochemistry.
6. Conversion techniques for cellulose and lignin.
7. Non-wood products from forest plants.
8. Secondary metabolites in forest plants and their extraction techniques.
9. Biotechnology-based propagation techniques of forest plants.
10. Forest bio-products of non-plant origin.
11. Fungal diversity and exploitation in forest ecosystems.
12. Mycorrhiza and its biotechnological applications.
13. Artificial communities of forest fungi.
14. Metabolic activities of forest bacteria. Plant-bacteria associations in forest ecosystems.
15. Biotechnological exploitation of plant-associated bacteria.
Practical work (contents):
Extraction and assessment of secondary metabolites from forest plants. Establishment and management of forest plant in vitro cultures. Assessment of microbiological (fungal and bacterial) diversity in the samples of forest soil and forest plants. In vitro research of plant-bacteria associations. Establishment of artificial mycorrhiza between forest plants and fungi.
Dalyko studijos valandomis
Lectures – 45 hours, laboratory work – 15 hours, individual work – 94 hours, examinations– 6 hours. Total 160 h.
Studijų rezultatų vertinimas
Final assessment sums the assessments of written final examination (50%), assessment of laboratory work (30%), and written mid-term examination (20%).
1. 2003 Larcher W. Physiological plant ecology, ecophysiology and stress physiology of functional groups Springer Verlag
2. 2004 Nguyen H. T., Blum A. Physiology and biotechnology integration for plant breeding Marcel Dekker
3. 2008 Pallardy S.G. Physiology of woody plants Elsevier
Supplementary materials
1. 2002 Oksman-Caldentey K-M., Barz W.H. Plant biotechnology and transgenic plants Marcel Dekker
2. 2002 Gilmartin P.M., Bowler C. Molecular plant biology Oxford University Press
3. 2005 Broadley M.R., White P.J. Plant nutritional genomics Blackwell Publishing
4. 2006 Rao K.V.M., Raghavendra A.S., Reddy K.J. Physiology and molecular biology of stress tolerance in plants. Springer Verlag