VMU Wishes Belarusians Happy Independence Day


25 March is the Independence Day of Belarus, marking the declaration of independence by the Belarusian Democratic Republic in 1918. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) sends Belarusians its warmest regards on this celebration of democracy and supports them wholeheartedly in their struggle for freedom in Belarus today.

“VMU community has always demonstrated its firm determination to uphold liberty, democracy, and the freedom of expression and choice. Therefore, we understand and support the people of Belarus. We sincerely stand with the Belarusian nation in their striving to live without violence, fear and restrictions on human rights and freedoms”, VMU Vice-Rector for Communication, Assoc. Prof. Vilma Bijeikienė said.

According to the Vice-Rector, when repressions against Belarusian students started in October, VMU reacted immediately and established a support fund for students from Belarus who were expelled or fleeing from persecution. “We gave them an opportunity to come to Lithuania, live in VMU dormitories, and continue their studies safely. Our initiative has proven useful and we are delighted to be able to provide real support. We will continue providing it for as long as the need for it will remain in the neighbouring state”, Assoc. Prof. Vilma Bijeikienė claimed, adding that it is critical for the support of Belarusians by Lithuanians and other democratic countries to remain unwavering and that this struggle against a ruthless system must not become just a piece of daily news in the media.

There are 59 students from Belarus currently studying at Vytautas Magnus University. Thanks to the support fund, 17 students have been accepted at the VMU Education Academy and faculties of Political Science and Diplomacy, Informatics, Natural Sciences, and Economics and Management.

More information about the possibility for international students to continue their studies at VMU.

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