VMU to Hold Winter Graduation Ceremonies


Vytautas Magnus University’s winter graduation ceremonies will be special this year: for the first time, diplomas of VMU Agriculture Academy and VMU Education Academy will be awarded. In total, three ceremonies will be held in January and February in which graduates will bid farewell to their alma mater.

The first graduation ceremony will be held on Friday 25 January, 2 p.m., at VMU Great Hall (28 S. Daukanto g.). The event will be attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius, who will deliver a speech for the alums. The minister will also present a scholarship for the students of the VMU Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy. The scholarship is dedicated to well-performing students from large families.

At the ceremony, diplomas will be presented to the graduates of VMU faculties of Economy and Management, Natural Sciences, Catholic Theology, Arts, Social Sciences, Political Science and Diplomacy, and Music Academy. The list of diploma recipients also includes a number of international students.

The graduation ceremony at VMU Agriculture Academy will be held on the same day, 25 January, 3 p.m., at the Celebration Hall of the Agriculture Academy’s Central Building (11 Studentų g., Akademija, Kaunas District).

The VMU Education Academy will award its graduates on Friday 15 February, 9.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m., at the VMU Education Academy (31 T. Ševčenkos g., Vilnius).

The university community members, as well as their relatives and friends, are all most welcome to attend the celebrations, in which the new alums will share the joy of this special occasion with everyone in attendance.