VMU Talk Show. Opportunities For Young Researchers and PhD Students


Today on the VMU talk show Transforming the Academic Universe, the host Oneida Kunsunga presents the opportunities offered at VMU for young researchers and PhD students. In her words, this university is the centre of not just science, but also entertainment, and PhD students here earn more than most superheroes.

“Just look at our laboratories! There’s so much equipment here that we could compete with a space station. And if tech is not your passion, perhaps you’ll be interested in our Doctoral Students’ Club, where discussions about science sometimes offer up legendary quotes. Also, our students can travel and participate in international programmes. It is an opportunity to not only learn but also to discover the world and, of course, to check if it’s indeed possible to find good pizza elsewhere, or is it delicious only here in Lithuania?”, Kunsunga says.

In the VMU talk show, Transforming the Academic Universe, you can get better acquainted with Vytautas Magnus University and the European university alliance Transform4Europe. Twelve fun talk show episodes with great hosts and intriguing guests will allow you to find out more: what is Transform4Europe, what possibilities it offers for students and employees, why VMU is a great choice for studies, what singles out VMU from other universities, and various other interesting details.

You can watch the talk show with Lithuanian or English subtitles.

Previously on the VMU talk show:

We will present more great episodes with new guests and hosts soon – watch this space.

Project “Strengthening the international competitiveness of VMU in the Transform4Europe Alliance of European Universities” (No. 10-005-P-0005).