VMU Talk Show. International Opportunities at VMU


This time on the VMU talk show Transforming the Academic Universe, the host Oneida Kunsunga introduces the international opportunities at VMU: foreign language courses, the opportunities to travel abroad under exchange and other programs, and international programs that can be joined while still in Lithuania as well as the membership in the Transform4Europe Alliance.

“VMU is a truly international bridge which connects students from around the world. Here, you can meet students from all over the globe, learn many foreign languages, or travel overseas under various programs. You can do everything at this university! It’s like Disneyland, only without the rides and with more books, which is great”, Kunsunga says, adding that VMU is not just a brilliant university but also a true international adventure.

In the VMU talk show, Transforming the Academic Universe, you can get better acquainted with Vytautas Magnus University and the European university alliance Transform4Europe. Twelve fun talk show episodes with great hosts and intriguing guests will allow you to find out more: what is Transform4Europe, what possibilities it offers for students and employees, why VMU is a great choice for studies, what singles out VMU from other universities, and various other interesting details.

You can watch the talk show with Lithuanian or English subtitles.

Previously on the VMU talk show:

We will present more great episodes with new guests and hosts soon – watch this space.

Project “Strengthening the international competitiveness of VMU in the Transform4Europe Alliance of European Universities” (No. 10-005-P-0005).