VMU Talk Show. Inesa Sadlauskaitė on T4EU as Eurovision of education

On the latest episode of the VMU talk show Transforming the Academic Universe, VMU student Inesa Sadlauskaitė describes the opportunities offered by the so-called Eurovision of education: the Transform4Europe Alliance, which unites eleven European universities.
“It’s a European education potluck. We’re transforming studies, research, and community life, not with magic, but with collaboration. It’s a melting pot of minds, an opportunity for students and staff to share their ideas, work on projects, and immerse themselves in different cultures”, Sadlauskaitė says, adding that the alliance enhances mobility, making it possible to seamlessly study at multiple universities at the same time.
In the VMU talk show, Transforming the Academic Universe, you can get better acquainted with Vytautas Magnus University and the European university alliance Transform4Europe. Twelve fun talk show episodes with great hosts and intriguing guests will allow you to find out more: what is Transform4Europe, what possibilities it offers for students and employees, why VMU is a great choice for studies, what singles out VMU from other universities, and various other interesting details.
You can watch the talk show with Lithuanian or English subtitles.
Previously on the VMU talk show:
- Conversation with the Transform4Europe institutional coordinator Prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė
- Introduction of VMU opportunities for students by VMU Assoc. Prof. Jaq Greenspon
- Presentation of university perks by the Head of VMU Admission Unit Loreta Petrauskaitė
- VMU PhD student Suat Aksu on why VMU is the Steve Jobs of academia
- Mindaugas Šerpytis, Head of Business Partnerships at Minded VMU, on the benefits of entrepreneurship
- Oneida Kunsunga on opportunities for young researchers and PhD students
- Oneida Kunsunga on international opportunities at VMU
- Jaq Greenspon on the goodies VMU and T4EU offer for the partners
- Jaq Greenspon’s tips for students
We will present more great episodes with new guests and hosts soon – watch this space.
Project “Strengthening the international competitiveness of VMU in the Transform4Europe Alliance of European Universities” (No. 10-005-P-0005).