VMU Talk Show. Edvinas Samys on Science-Business Cooperation

This time on the VMU Talk Show Transforming the Academic Universe, Edvinas Samys from the VMU Communication and Technology Transfer Centre shared some impressive results that have been achieved at the centre while facilitating cooperation between VMU researchers and businesses. For instance, over the last five years, the university has signed over 350 contracts worth 10 million euros.
“Our goal is to encourage cooperation between scientists, researchers, businesses and young entrepreneurs in the development of innovations and innovative businesses. We strive to actively exploit the potential of research and its results so that it is not left on the shelf but instead reaches the market as soon as possible”, Edvinas Samys notes, sharing not just examples of such innovations as the project of Lithuanian language technologies, but also some other impressive figures. VMU Business Incubator currently has 20 start-ups, the university has about 500 partners in private and public sectors, and the total value of R&D projects at VMU was 2.5 million euros in 2023.
In the VMU talk show, Transforming the Academic Universe, you can get better acquainted with Vytautas Magnus University and the European university alliance Transform4Europe. Twelve fun talk show episodes with great hosts and intriguing guests will allow you to find out more: what is Transform4Europe, what possibilities it offers for students and employees, why VMU is a great choice for studies, what singles out VMU from other universities, and various other interesting details.
You can watch the talk show with Lithuanian or English subtitles.
Previously on the VMU talk show:
- Conversation with the Transform4Europe institutional coordinator Prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė
- Introduction of VMU opportunities for students by VMU Assoc. Prof. Jaq Greenspon
- Presentation of university perks by the Head of VMU Admission Unit Loreta Petrauskaitė
- VMU PhD student Suat Aksu on why VMU is the Steve Jobs of academia
- Mindaugas Šerpytis, Head of Business Partnerships at Minded VMU, on the benefits of entrepreneurship
- Oneida Kunsunga on opportunities for young researchers and PhD students
- Oneida Kunsunga on international opportunities at VMU
- Jaq Greenspon on the goodies VMU and T4EU offer for the partners
- Jaq Greenspon’s tips for students
- Inesa Sadlauskaitė on T4EU as Eurovision of education
We will present more great episodes with new guests and hosts soon – watch this space.
Project “Strengthening the international competitiveness of VMU in the Transform4Europe Alliance of European Universities” (No. 10-005-P-0005).