Logistics and Commerce

Business and Public Management
Logistics and Commerce


You probably know that logistics and commerce are instrumental in overcoming business stagnation and crises worldwide. It is a promising industry and service sector that adapts to geopolitical shifts and makes continuous progress. There is a growing demand for professionals who can develop and efficiently manage smart and environmentally sustainable logistics operations, use cutting-edge sales techniques, work with IT applications in logistics and commerce companies, develop competitive and socially responsible businesses in national and international markets, and create and develop their own e-businesses. As long as commerce exists, the need for logistics will persist, and having expertise in both areas is simply perfect! Choose dynamics and pursue a career in the rapidly evolving logistics and commerce sector!

Why Logistics and Commerce programme?

  • Logistics and commerce create the comfort of today’s society
  • Transport systems connect the whole World – logistics specialists. are needed everywhere, where are transport operations (transportation of goods)
  • With the strong knowledge and wide approach, you will become a highly demanded specialist with job opportunities in the biggest logistics and commerce companies
  • You will be able to work in domestic or international companies

  • You will get the knowledge of economics, management, and entrepreneurship, so you’ll become a professional in the biggest companies, create your own successful business or continue your studies on the MSc level


#logistics #commerce #transport #ITapplications #sales #electroniccommerce #businessdevelopment #market #customers #communication

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Today, planning, organising, and monitoring processes enable more efficient and cost-effective logistics and commerce decisions. I highly recommend the Logistics and Commerce study programme, as professionals in these fields are in high demand and have excellent prospects in the labour market. And the demand for them will only continue to grow in the future.

Evaldas Karvelis, graduate, Head of Realisation Department at UAB Naujasis Nevėžis

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Žygimantas Jukna, student

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Logistics allows to connect places of consumer concentration. Nothing connects the world like the international transportation chain. Thanks to the development of logistics, we now have a highly efficient international business system. By working together, we can provide people worldwide with a wide variety of goods.

Andrius Šumskis, CEO at UAB Hegelmann Logistics


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The programme actively cooperates with partners in organising educational lectures, company visits, traineeships, and project activities, as well as in discussing the training of specialists. Partners contribute to improving the quality of studies, propose topics with practical applications for final theses, and create jobs.


Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Microeconomics Anastasija Novikova 6
Basic of Business and Public Management Lina Marcinkevičiūtė 4
Mathematics Linas Martišauskas 6
A group subjects 14
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Macroeconomics Bernardas Vaznonis 6
Bioeconomy Development Vladzė Vitunskienė 4
Language for Specific Purposes Regina Sabonytė 4
Accounting Dalia Juočiūnienė 6
A group subjects 10
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Fundamentals of Finance Jurgita Baranauskienė 6
Human Resource Management Asta Raupelienė 4
Logistic Techniques and Technologies Aušra Čiplienė 6
A group subjects 14
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Logistics Management Milita Vienažindienė 6
Transport Systems Milita Vienažindienė 6
Business Development Jolita Greblikaitė 6
Business Law Jolanta Vilkevičiūtė 4
Trade Marketing Vitalija Vanagienė 4
A group subjects 4
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Logistics Business Administration Aistė Čapienė 6
Business Planning and Evaluation Rolandas Rakštys 6
Commercial Contracts Dalia Perkumienė 4
Quality Management Vitalija Vanagienė 4
Warehousing and Inventory Management Milita Vienažindienė 4
Trade Management and e-commerce Indra Mūgienė 6
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
International Trade Valdemaras Makutėnas 4
Consumer Behaviour Jolita Greblikaitė 4
Entrepreneurial Training Jurgita Zaleckienė 6
Logistics and Commerce Market Research Gintarė Vaznonienė 4
Logistics and Commerce Course Work Gintarė Vaznonienė 4
Business Communication Daiva Urmonienė 4
Logistics and Trade Project Management Rimantas Dapkus 4
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Professional Logistics and Commerce Practice Vilma Tamulienė 15
Bachelor Graduation Thesis Vilma Tamulienė 15
Total ECTS credits: