International traineeships provide students with universal education, and real-world experience, and help them integrate into a modern, global, and dynamic labor market. The traineeship opens up a wide range of opportunities, helps to self-assess your studies in the context of your future career, and broadens your CV. Vytautas Magnus University offers its students the widest selection of international internships.
Since 2008 with the help of Erasmus+ traineeship programme, VMU students and recent graduates can do traineeships in various foreign organizations and companies. The main goal of this traineeship is to help the student adapt to the requirements of the European Community labor market, to strengthen professional skills, and to get acquainted and broaden the understanding of the economy, social system, and culture of a particular country. Students and recent graduates can carry out a 2 – 4 months traineeship in any of the EU countries and Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia, Switzerland, or North Macedonia.
Erasmus+ student (and recent graduate) traineeship is a period of time spent working in a company or organization in one of EU/EEA countries. Erasmus+ traineeship provides the student with possibilities to adapt to the labor market demands of the entire EU, improve professional skills, familiarize with and deepen understanding of a specific country’s economy, social system and culture.
All VMU fulltime degree students who have not used more than 10 months of their Erasmus+ mobility (study / traineeship) period are eligible for the Erasmus+ grant (including zero-grant). Please notice! Non-EU citizens must acquire temporary / permanent residence permit in Lithuania before their Erasmus+ mobility (traineeship / study).
Documents required for an application:
Duration of the Erasmus+ traineeships:
Duration of the internship is from 2 to 4 months with a possible extension of the period without scholarship. This includes from 120 to 160 working hours per month. Provided the student has successfully reached his traineeship goals, depending on the duration of traineeship, he/ she might be awarded ECTS credits (40 hours = 1.5 ECTS).
N. B. Traineeship cannot start / end on weekends or national holidays.
Recognition of the traineeship period:
If the traineeship is a part of student’s curriculum, upon satisfactory completion of the traineeship, student is awarded ECTS credits and given a grade. Additionally, the information about the implementation of the traineeship is included in the student’s Diploma Supplement. If the traineeship is voluntary, upon satisfactory completion of it, the information about implementation of the traineeship is included in the trainee’s Diploma Supplement.
All VMU fulltime last year students who have not used more than 10 months of their Erasmus+ mobility (study / traineeship) period are eligible for the Erasmus+ recent graduate traineeship grant . Please notice! Non-EU citizens must acquire temporary / permanent residence permit in Lithuania before their "Erasmus" mobility (traineeship / study).
Recent graduates may start their traineeship just after they receive their diploma.
Note! For recent graduate traineeship application must be submitted and student must be selected while applicant is still a student at VMU.
Documents required for an application:
Duration of the "Erasmus+" traineeships:
Duration of the internship is from 2 to 4 months with a possible extension of the period without scholarship. This includes from 120 to 160 working hours per month. Provided the student has successfully reached his traineeship goals, depending on the duration of traineeship, he/ she might be awarded ECTS credits (40 hours = 1.5 ECTS).
N. B. Traineeship cannot start / end on weekends or national holidays.
Recognition of the traineeship period:
After the traineeship is completed, international cooperation department issues a Traineeship Certificate.
Students who would like to participate in the Erasmus+ student internship programme have to:
Prospective graduates wishing to participate in the Erasmus+ recent graduate traineeship program have to:
Note: Application results are published next month (10th of the upcoming month), therefore traineeship start date should be at least two weeks after that day.
Where do traineeships take place?
Receiving organisations for traineeships can be any public or private organisations active in the labor market. Please note that companies situated in the student’s country of residence and EU institutions (including European agencies) are not eligible for Erasmus+ traineeship.
How to find a place for traineeship?
First, prepare your Curriculum Vitae (we recommend Europass CV (more information), choose an organization / enterprise, prepare a motivational letter and contact a representative of the organization.
Some suggestions for where to look for the hosting organization / enterprise:
No later than a month before the departure the students must present (or submit online) the following documents to the International Cooperation Department:
After presenting all the documents (and completing language assessment), participant will sign the "Erasmus" Financial Agreement. After signing the Financial Agreement the participant will get a scholarship (please see section “Erasmus Traineeship Scholarship”, below) and can start his traineeship period.
After presenting all the documents, you will sign the "Erasmus" financial agreement of student internship, which will determine that you receive the scholarship (unless you are a “Zero Grant” student)
Every student travelling as participant of the "Erasmus" traineeship program is awarded the status of an Erasmus student. Please make sure that you have a valid migration permit. The student (recent graduate) is responsible to arrange all necessary migration documents.
The rights and duties of an "Erasmus" student is described in the Erasmus Student Charter.
Every student who is selected in a competition and leaves as a participant of the Erasmus+ Traineeship Program receives the Erasmus+ Scholarship (except zero-grant scholarship recipients), which is allocated to cover the travel and accommodation expenses.
However, it does not cover all mobility-related expenses. Also, students may travel with the Erasmus+ “Zero Grant”, which means they are not provided with funding from "Erasmus", but are given the status of an "Erasmus" student (as well as all related privileges and responsibilities). The same student may receive grants for studying or being trained abroad totaling up to 12 months maximum per study cycle.
Sizes of Erasmus+ Traineeship Scholarships in year 2024/2025
Group |
Country |
Group I 824 EUR per month |
Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, France, Finland, Sweden, Germany. |
Group II 824 EUR per month |
Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia. |
Group III 756 EUR per month |
Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Turkey. |
80% of the entire scholarship is paid to the participant in 30 days after the submission of all necessary documents (please see the section “After Selection” below). The submission of the second (before the end of mobility) language knowledge assessment, online EU survey, and Confirmation of the hosting organizations will be considered as the participant’s request for payment of the remaining 20% of the scholarship. The university has 45 calendar days to make the balance payment or to issue a recovery order in case a reimbursement is due.
Students with disabilities or special needs are able to receive additional funding for their mobility period. Required documents must provided at least one month before the start of their studies abroad in order to receive extra funding. More information can be found here.
Students can receive an additional social scholarship (250 Eur per month) if a person belong to the below-mentioned groups.
Groups: | Students must submit the supporting documents* issued by the responsible authorities: |
Persons entitled to or receiving social benefits under the Republic of Lithuania Law on Cash Social Assistance for Poor Residents or the corresponding law in the person’s country of citizenship. | Certificate of receipt of social assistance or relevant document(s) from the person’s country of nationality. The provided document also must include the time period for which the student receives financial support from his/her country of origin, and it must overlap with the Erasmus+ study period. |
Persons who have a disability determined in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts. | Disability certificate or certificate from a medical institution. |
Persons aged 25 or under who have been placed under guardianship (custody) before reaching the age of majority in accordance with the procedure established by law or whose parents (or the only parent they had) are (is) dead. | Death certificates, court or other decisions; a certificate from an orphanage. |
Persons with a young child(ren) (up to 12 years). | Birth certificate(s) of the child(ren). |
Refugees | Decision on Granting Asylum in Lithuania or Permanent Residence Permit in accordance with Article 53(1)(7) of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners. |
Citizens of Ukraine studying at VMU during the war in Ukraine caused by Russia. | A copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine. |
*All students also have to send a completed request form.
Description of groups of persons with fewer opportunities.
An eco-friendly trip: An eco-trip is a trip to and back from the host institution that uses low-emission vehicles, such as buses, trains, or a car journey with fellow passengers who are also involved in mobility activities.
Extension will be considered to be an exceptional case, so please make up your mind regarding a traineeship period before the start of the mobility.
Students / graduates who wish to extend their traineeship period at least two weeks before the date of end of the initial traineeship period must agree on the extension with their hosting organization, Faculty and International Cooperation Department and submit the following documents:
Signed request to extend the traineeship:
The traineeship might be: not extended, or extended without scholarship (as zero grant). The student is informed in 10 working days after the submission of the request.
If the internship is extended, the student must submit to the International Cooperation Department:
After all documents are submitted, trainee is informed about the changes to his finance agreement via email (which is considered to be an official document).
When the period of your Erasmus+ traineeship is over, you will have to present the following documents to the International Cooperation Department:
A programme for student or recent graduate traineeship in a company or organization in a foreign country that is not a member of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
This traineeship provides students with opportunities to adapt to the labor market requirements, strengthen professional skills, and gain insight into the selected country’s economy, social system, and culture. Students can go for 2-4 months of traineeship in organizations of their choice. Selection takes place twice a year.
All VMU fulltime degree students are eligible to take part in the programme. Please notice! Non-EU citizens must acquire temporary / permanent residence permit in Lithuania before their traineeship starts.
Internship may last from 2 to 4 months.
Competition for VMU International Traineeship is organized twice a year, once during an Autumn semester and once during a Spring semester.
Internship may be organized in any country of the world except for countries of EU and EEA.
Students have to find a traineeship placements by themselves, and the profile of the internship and its activities must match their degree program.
Students who would like to participate in International Traineeship with VMU Mobility Scholarship have to:
Selection procedure is carried out by a selection committee, which is created under rector's order.
Selected students will be informed via e-mails.
The scholarship is 700,00 Eur/month + travel scholarship.
13 and 14 region countries scholarship is 824,00 Eur/month + travel scholarship.
Region 13: Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State.
Region 14: Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom.