Students Invited to Celebrate VMU Birthday Together


More than 100 years have passed since the University of Lithuania was established on February 16, 1922, laying the foundation for today’s Vytautas Magnus University (VMU). This year, on Monday, February 17, we will celebrate the university’s long-standing legacy together with students.

In 2025, VMU is celebrating its anniversary and declaring it the Year of Student Well-being. To mark this occasion, we invite students to a special event where we will not only commemorate VMU’s birthday but also compete in a trivia quiz to determine the students who know the most about VMU. Additionally, we will listen to conference presentations and a discussion on emotional well-being, psychological support, and community building.

A special surprise awaits students during the event—they will join university representatives in “unpacking” a gift dedicated to enhancing their well-being at the university.

The event will take place at VMU Central Building, S. Daukanto St. 28, Kaunas. The trivia quiz will be held in the Great Hall Foyer, while the conference and discussion will take place in the Senate Hall. The event will begin at 4:00 PM.

Trivia Quiz Registration Required

IMPORTANT: events will be held in Lithuanian.


3:30 PM – Team registration for the trivia quiz

4:00 PM – Event opening in the Great Hall Foyer. Registered teams start the trivia quiz. Others are invited to the conference “Student Well-Being – A Mission (Im)Possible?” and a discussion on student well-being.

Conference “Student Well-Being – A Mission (Im)Possible?” presentations:

  • 4:15 PM – Paulius Vaitiekus, President of the Lithuanian National Union of Students – “Can Students Achieve Financial Well-being?”
  • 4:30 PM – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rytis Pakrosnis, Psychologist at the VMU Psychology Clinic – “How Do Students Feel? The VDU Student Psychological Well-being Monitoring Model”
  • 4:45 PM – Gustė Žukauskaitė, VMU Student Well-being Coordinator – “Student Well-Being: The Path to Community”

5:00 PM – Discussion on Student Well-Being. Featuring human rights expert Prof. Dr. Jonas Ruškus, Vice President of the Lithuanian National Union of Students Ieva Vengrovskaja, psychologist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rytis Pakrosnis. Moderated by VMU Student Well-being Coordinator Gustė Žukauskaitė.

5:45 PM – Quiz awards, university gift for students unboxing, and birthday cake

7:00 PM – Party with DJ Viltė

The event will be photographed and/or filmed; therefore, please note that you might be featured in photos or videos which can be published in various media outlets.