Citizenship and Identity in Modern Society

Research overview

The research conducted in this cluster reveals difficulties, opportunities and changes in social and civic participation in different social contexts in Lithuania; it contributes to the understanding of the models of identity construction and their diversity within changing cultural, economic and political conditions; it helps to identify groups that encounter social exclusion in contemporary society, to learn about the reasons for their exclusion and to investigate their strategies of survival. Researchers in this cluster have published numerous studies, have participated in a great number of research projects and have prepared recommendations on how to reduce social exclusion and to ensure civic participation and vitality of different social groups. They have also developed measures for empowering socially excluded groups, assessing the quality of social services and analyzing policies of social welfare. Results of the research in this cluster are particularly significant for the local, national and international institutions directly engaged in the formation and execution of policies related to employment, equal opportunities, poverty reduction, health, family and national identity.

Main researchers

PhD candidates