Registration for Transform4Europe Course Offer at Bachelor Level


The university network Transform4Europe invites students to choose its track courses for bachelor students which aim to train a new generation of young Europeans who will work together across disciplines and acquire digital, intercultural and entrepreneurial skills. This training enables you to actively shape the necessary transformation processes in Europe. Most of the courses are conducted online.

The Transform4Europe Alliance gives you the opportunity to incorporate a succinct programme – a European-oriented Bachelor Track that leads to a certificate with up to 24 ECTS – into your studies.

All the selected courses are recognised at your university either as part of your main field of study or alongside as additional elective courses.

The Transform for Europe Track consists of common core modules on the topics of:

  1. Knowledge Entrepreneurship;
  2. Languages & Intercultural Competencies;
  3. European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy.

Also, you select the track according to your needs and interests from 3 optional challenge-based tracks:

  1. Digital transformation and smart regions
  2. Environmental transformation and sustainability
  3. Societal transformation, community building and inclusion

Once you graduate and complete the Track, you receive a certificate testifying the completion of a Transform4Europe Bachelor Track under the challenge-based track or cluster title.

What are additional benefits for students?

  1. Exchange ideas with students from other academic disciplines.
  2. Gaining and developing European competences in a narrower relevant subfield.
  3. Increase your career opportunities by unique profile development.
  4. Increase future research and career opportunities in interdisciplinary fields.
  5. Networking possibilities with students from other European universities.
  6. Subsidised international mobility.

Spring/summer semester 2023

In the list below please pick the institution at which you would like to attend a course and proceed as advised.

University of Alicante

Course start: January 30, 2023
Registration Period: 24th January 23 to February 17, 2023
End of Teaching: May 23, 2023
End of Exams: June 16, Retakes (25/06/23–12/07/23) 2023

Register now

For Erasmus students: register now

Saarland University

Course start: April 11, 2023 (Except Knowledge Entrepreneurship)
Registration Period: March 1 to March 23, 2023
End of Teaching: July 21, 2023
End of Exams: approx. end of August 2023

Sofia University

Course start: February 20, 2023
Registration Period: January 23 – February 20, 2023
End of Teaching: June 9, 2023
End of Exams: July 7 (Retakes (21/08/23–03/09/23), 2023

Register now

The University of Silesia in Katowice

Course start: February 27, 2023
Registration Period: January 23 to February 15, 2023
End of Teaching: June 25, 2023
End of Exams: June 26 to July 9, 2023 | Retakes (01/09/23 – 24/09/23)

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The University of Trieste

Course start: February 27, 2023
Registration Period: January 24 – February 20, 2023
End of Teaching: Around 26/05/23–01/06/23
End of Exams: tbc

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The Estonian Academy of Arts

Course start: The spring semester starts from 27th of February 2023 and ends in May 2023
Registration Period: 23rd of January to 26th of February 2023
End of Teaching: In May
End of Exams: In June

Register now

Vytautas Magnus University

Course start: February 1, 2023
Registration Period: January 16 to January 29, 2023
End of Teaching: May 23, 2023
End of Exams: June 13, 2023 | Retakes (15/06/23-19/06/23)

(Registration closed)

List of modules and registration:

A list of modules and a registration form can be found here.

For more information please contact