K. Donelaičio str. 58, 44248, Kaunas
Tel. (8 37) 222 739
E-mail info@vdu.lt
VMU Researchers Share Insights about Geopolitics on T4EU Podcast
Open Competition for Scholarship of Drs. V. and S. Čepukėnas
Stylist Viktorija Šaulytė-Mockė: After School, University Seemed Like a Foreign Country
The Great Academija Quiz
Foreign Lithuanian Scholarship Competition for VMU Students
Open Call for T4EU Student Initiatives
Youth Think tank took place at the VMU Ukrainian Centre in Vilnius
VMU Alumni Perspective: Liberal Arts, Personal Growth, and AI
At the University, Each of Us Is a Part of Connections
Lithuania’s First STEAM Didactics Centre Opened at VMU
Olena Zelenska: VMU Centre of Ukraine Restores Opportunities
Studies in Mauritius – an Island Where Various Traditions Blend
Blended Intensive Program Focused on Improvement of Language Teaching
Disability Forum: Inclusive Higher Education Was Held for the 3rd Time
VMU Honorary Doctorate Awarded to Professor Timothy Garton Ash
VMU Athletes Won 52 Medals at the SELL Student Games
Scholarships Awarded to Students for Academic or Artistic Achievements
The DON@ Project’s Multiplier Event focuses on Student Integration
Intensive Erasmus Program Invited Students to Discover Cultures
Crown Prince of Norway visited VMU Centre of Ukraine
VMU Ukrainian Centre Organized a Discussion on AI
The DON@ Project is Entering Its Final Phase
DON@ Project: Fostering Reciprocal Help Among International Students
VMU Youth Think Tank Discussed Pluriculturalism
VMU Organized “Disability Forum: Inclusive Higher Education 2023”
Exhibition “Into Europe: Ireland and the EU 1973 – 2023”
VMU Talk Show. Dr. S. Milčiuvienė on VMU and T4EU’s Scientific Wonders
VMU Talk Show. Edvinas Samys on Science-Business Cooperation
VMU Presents New Image Video
VMU Talk Show. Inesa Sadlauskaitė on T4EU as Eurovision of education
VMU Talk Show. Jaq Greenspon’s tips for students
VMU Talk Show. Jaq Greenspon: where groundbreaking ideas are born
VMU Talk Show. International Opportunities at VMU
VMU Talk Show. Opportunities For Young Researchers and PhD Students
PhD Student Suat Aksu on VMU Talk Show: VMU is Steve Jobs of Academia
VMU Talk Show Guest Loreta Petrauskaitė Discussed University’s Perks
VMU Talk Show Host Jaq Greenspon Introduced VMU Studies
New VMU Talk Show Presents Opportunities of Transform4Europe and VMU
Mind the Gap: Not Social But Physical Distancing
Honorary Doctorate Acceptance Speech by HE Michael D. Higgins
Honorary Doctorate Acceptance Speech by Prof. Stefano Bianchini
Thomas Hylland Eriksen. An overheated world
Europa Nostra #Ode2Joy challenge
Rytis Zemkauskas about VMU idea of 360°
Charles Szymanski about VMU idea of 360°
Saulius Mykoliūnas about VMU idea of 360°
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