Open Competition for Scholarship of Drs. V. and S. Čepukėnas

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On the initiative of Neila Baumilienė, an alumna of Vytautas Magnus University and the Executive Director of the New York Office of the Kazickas Family Foundation, and with the support of the Kazickas Family Foundation, a scholarship in memory of Drs. Vaclovas and Dr. Stefanija Čepukėnai was established at Vytautas Magnus University. The daughters of Drs. V. and S. Čepukėnai, Rasa and Milda, also contribute financially to this scholarship. The aim of the scholarship is to foster the French language and Francophone culture by enabling the most active students to deepen their learning and study it further, as well as to promote and spread it in society.

The Scholarship amount in 2024 is €4 000 (four thousand euros); applications are accepted until April 30, 2024.

Applicants who want to receive the Scholarships must meet the following criteria:

  • the overall average grade of the studied subjects must be at least 8 (eight),
  • learning French at a B1 level or higher,
  • being active in civic, social, or community activities, organizing and/or participating in activities related to French and/or Francophone culture, or engaging in scientific and/or scholarly promotion or artistic activities in this field,
  • having plans to purposefully use the scholarship to implement activities related to the French language and/or culture (e.g., using study credits for the French subject, participating in study trips to courses in a Francophone country, paying for DELF, TCF, etc.).

The Scholarship will be awarded to the student(s) who most closely meets the specified criteria. The decision on awarding the Scholarship will be made by VMU Institute of Foreign Languages and the founders of the scholarship.

The students eligible for the Drs. V. and S. Čepukėnai Scholarship must apply by April 30 by filling in the application form on VMU Student Portal:

  • log in to VMU Student Portal using your personal login provided by the University;
  • in the menu box, select the section Applications & Certificates and click on the Applications button;
  • select the application category Finance, Scholarships and Other Support and Named Scholarship (form F-005) and fill in the form: justify your field of study and/or scientific interest and list your activities.

Selected candidates will be invited to an interview with the representatives of the Institute of Foreign Languages and the founders of Drs. V. and S. Čepukėnai Scholarship, after which the scholarship winner(s) will be announced.

For a more detailed biography of Drs. V. and S. Čepukėnas in the memoirs of their daughters, Milda and Rasa Čepukėnas, click here.

More information about the scholarship and its award is provided by the Department of Student Affairs, by e-mail at srd[at sign] or by telephone (8 37) 751 175