VMU Code of Ethics

In Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) all community members are equal and have their freedom of expressions and beliefs, and in here we aim to create a safe place that protects people from harassment, different types of discrimination and human rights validation.

VMU has its own Code of Ethics which aims to define basic standards and principles of ethics held by VMU community members. The Code determines cases of violation of ethical standards and we encourage our community members to get to know this Code: VMU Code of Ethics.

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What can be considered as discrimination:

Discrimination can manifest itself in different forms of violence or threats, harassment or bullying a person due to such characteristics as: religion, race, sex, orientation, disability, age, opinion.

What can be considered as sexual harassment:

Sexual harassment or sexual violence can be referred to: physical sexual acts performed against a person‘s will, request for sexual favors or even verbal and written actions like comments about persons looks, suggestive jokes, sexually explicit emails or posts on social network.

If you have experienced any of above mentioned cases and you feel that you are in need of psychological help, please contact:

In case you experienced any of above mentioned cases in the university, please REPORT IT HERE: