International Cooperation

Openness to the world is an approach that permeates all aspects of life at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU). From inter-institutional cooperation to individual initiatives, from full studies to short programmes, from cooperation with foreign researchers and scholars to international projects, there is hardly an area unaffected by the welcoming effects of internationalization.

VMU is a globally-oriented multilingual institution that continuously develops international networks and intercultural dialogues, participates in international scientific, academic, social projects and programmes, encourages lecturer, staff, and student mobility, and promotes dialogue and tolerance.

Because of this approach, an important role at the university belongs to the VMU International Cooperation Department (ICD) responsible for successful encounters between VMU and the world, facilitating inter-institutional cooperation, implementation of projects, student and employee exchanges, thus improving the study and research system along the way.

Functions of VMU ICD:

  • Cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign institutions that develop VMU’s international profile
  • Coordination of mobility schemes for university staff, faculty, and students
  • Incoming students’ acceptance and support
  • Close cooperation with other VMU departments initiating partnerships and executing mobility schemes
  • Promotion of study and exchange opportunities
  • Representation of VMU abroad
  • Development of VMU internationalisation strategy and practical tools to increase the visibility of VMU abroad

News of VMU ICD