VMU Botanical Garden Invites Everyone to the Night of Scents


On July 19–20, Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas (E. Žilibero g. 6) invites everyone to attend the Night of Scents (Kvapų Naktis), where visitors will be able to get acquainted with plants: a rich world of scents, shapes and qualities. After welcoming exceedingly large numbers of visitors in previous years, it was decided to make this year’s Night of Scents a two-day event.

“On Friday and Saturday, the territory of VMU Botanical Garden will feature areas designated for various discoveries: science, scents, tastes, families, crafts, saunas (an exceptional novelty of this year!), as well beauty and wellness. The event will present innovations in horticulture, unique breeds, tastings of exotic fruit, thematic discussions and aromas of essential oils. Specialists from various fields will introduce rare, medicinal, bioluminescent plants, talk about the influence of weather and climate change on human health, teach people how to sprout various seeds and provide details about their health benefits. Herbalists will also share their knowledge. The midsummer event also promises amazing photo-travels with insightful photographer Marius Čepulis,” Kristina Mulevičienė, Head of the Department of Services and Education at VMU Botanical Garden, explained.

Invitation to exclusive concerts

Both evenings of the event will culminate with concerts by accomplished performers. On July 19, a special night programme ‘Gyvenimas Aukštosios Fredos dvare” (Life in Aukštoji Freda Manor) will be presented. Video projections on the  walls will recreate the scenes from the old life in the manor, while magical sounds of music by Egidijus Bavikinas, Akvilė Garbenčiūtė and Kristina Siurbytė will enchant everyone present. On July 20, the velvet voice of Evelina Sašenko will invite everyone to travel around the world in the largest rose garden in Lithuania. The visitors will find themselves surrounded by songs played in various regions of the world.

In the lush greenery of the Botanical Garden, the visitors will also enjoy the performance by VMU Academy of Agriculture’s theatre Jovaras.

Acquaintance with the works by Lithuanian creators

The Night of Scents will also roll out the Creative Podium (Kūrybos podiumas): a red carpet in the rose garden which will become a catwalk for models presenting cloth and accessory collections by Lithuanian designers. A wide variety of special handmade objects, ranging from accessories to artworks, will be sold by craftsmen in the garden.

Naturally, the Botanical Garden is also the perfect place for a photoshoot. Its magical spirit will be captured by inventive photographer Jūratė Vilkelė and the team of Epic Deco decorators: future models will wear themed clothes, while makeup artists will make sure that their makeup is perfect. Jūratė revealed that the aura of mystery will cover the moss as well: it will be possible to get one’s photo taken as an elf on a bed of moss.

Voting for the most aromatic plant

Plants will blossom in abundant collections of the garden, also in the hair of women and in the masterly crafted flower path from the old gate to the hothouse. Traditionally, event visitors will vote for the most aromatic plant, and the plant voted for the most will become the winner of the Night of Scents.

New pieces of the Night of Scents programme are continuously falling to their places, so keep looking for the updates.