Domeika, Rolandas
Technologijos mokslų daktaras (1998) / Doctor of Technological Sciences |
Docentas / Associate Professor |
Rolandas Domeika finished his undergraduate studies as an engineer – pedagogue at the former Lituanian Agriculture Academy (at the present VMU Agriculture Academy) in 1991 and master studies of technical sciences at the Lithuaniant University of Agriculture (at the present VMU Agriculture Academy) in 1994. In 1995 – 1999 R. Domeika pursued a doctoral degree at the Dept. of Agricultural Machinery in Lithuanian University of Agriculture and earned the degree of Doctor of Technological Sciences after defending his dissertation in 1999. In 1999 – 2001, Rolandas Domeika worked as lecturer and from 2001 until now as Assoc. Professor at the Dept. Agricultural Engineering and Safety in VMU Agriculture Academy. Assoc. Prof. R. Domeika has also worked as Deputy Director (in 2001 -2003) and Director (in 2003 – 2004) at the Lithuanian Farmer‘s Union. In 2004 – 2011, R. Domeika has also worked as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, since 2011 until 2022 he has been the Dean and from 2022 until now he is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. R. Domeika has been the memeber of the University Senate from 2001 until 2020 and currently he is the member of the Engineering Faculty Council and VMU Agriculture Academy Council. Assoc. Prof. R. Domeika published over 15 scientific publications, he is co-author of several texbooks.
Knows Language | Spoken | Written |
Lietuvių / Lithuanian | Gimtoji / Native | Gimtoji / Native |
Rusų / Russian | Labai gerai / Very good | Labai gerai / Very good |
Anglų / English | Gerai / Good | Gerai / Good |