Mokymosi visą gyvenimą tyrimai / Research in Lifelong Learning
Klasterio veiklą charakterizuoja švietimo sistemos raiškos tyrimai mokymosi visą gyvenimą paradigmoje. Mokslinių tyrimų tikslas – tradicinio ir e.mokymo(si) turinio projektavimas įvairiems švietimo sistemos lygmenims, suaugusiųjų mokymo(si) efektyvinimas, šeimotyra, racionalus asmens profesijos rinkimasis ir karjeros planavimas, užtikrinant švietimo kokybę bei plėtojant mokymosi visą gyvenimą kultūrą. Pagrindinėse tyrimų kryptyse akcentuojamas tyrimų tęstinumas, tarpdiscipliniškumas bei tarptautiškumas.
The goal of the cluster is to develop methodologies of teaching design, quality in education, career design, adult learning, teacher/andragogue training and e-learning, to model systems of quality assessment in learning/studies and quality assurance in education building on research results in lifelong learning in all levels of education system. The transversal principles of continuity, inter-disciplinarity and internationality are encouraged in all research. The main fields of research are Adult learning. VMU (Vytautas Magnus University) research in education is known for their purposeful continuity in the field of adult learning (andragogy). The research investigates into the topics of learning strategies and environments, learning culture, professionalization, social inclusion and empowerment, learning achievements, results and their assessment, experiential learning, career development, sustainable development and cohesion, active citizenship, human resource development, work place training, labor market research, etc. Vocational training. Research in this field includes topics of accessibility and continuity of initial and continuous vocational training, development of vocational training, national and international vocational training policy, vocational and qualification systems, national qualification frameworks. Technology enhanced learning. VMU researchers, together with European researchers investigate application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in higher, adult and continuous education, provide recommendations for technology enhanced learning in companies and other learning organizations.