Savivaldos institucijų įtaka kaimo raidai, taikant institucinės priklausomybės modelį
Date Issued |
2013 |
Self-government as a structure, representing the interests of the local residents and organising social and political life, plays an important role in many political systems of the country. It is perceived as the lowest and the closest territorial link of the political system to the civil society. Self-government institutions such as the municipality and eldership are aware of the problems faced by the local residents in everyday life. Local self-government institutions are trying to adapt to the changes which motivate to investigate specific community issues, opportunities and needs of the inevitable development of the area. Lithuanian rural development is inseparable from the long-term development of the European Union’s strategic directions and priorities. Recently, local authorities have become significant participants in the rural development. Self-government as a structure, representing the interests of the local residents and organising social and political life, plays an important role in many political systems of the country. It is perceived as the lowest and the closest territorial link of the political system to the civil society. It helps the citizens express their interests, control how those interests are being implemented and, at the same time, influence other institutions of the country. The relevance of the topic is related to the fact that the ever-changing environment provides people with new opportunities, but it causes a lot of problems as well. The changes have radically modified the concept of local development and activities: from a centralised model of transition to exogenous and endogenous decentralised model. The latter is based on local initiatives, resources, and innovations. The European rural development policy provides new functions for rural areas such as economic, social, environmental and territorial. [...]
Savivalda, kaip vietinių gyventojų interesams atstovaujanti ir visuomeninį, politinį gyvenimą organizuojanti struktūra, užima svarbią vietą daugumos valstybių politinėse sistemose. Ji suvokiama kaip žemiausia, pilietinei visuomenei artimiausia politinės sistemos teritorinė grandis. Vietos savivaldos institucijos – savivaldybės ir seniūnijos geriausiai žino su kokiomis problemomis kasdieniame gyvenime susiduria gyventojai. Šios institucijos bando prisitaikyti prie pokyčių. Mokslininkų uždavinys – ištirti konkrečias vietos bendruomenių problemas ir poreikius, įvertinti pokyčių galimybes, sprendimų priėmimo ir vykdymo būdus savivaldos organizacijose, pateikti pasiūlymus.