Soviet modernism in the historic context. The cases of Vilnius and Panevėžys city centers
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2017 | 13 | 58 | 75 |
Sovietinio modernizmo laikotarpis Lietuvos architektūros istorijoje yra gana problematiškas laikotarpis. Šiuo laikotarpiu Lietuvos miestuose įvykę pokyčiai siejami su modernizmo idėjų įgyvendinimu. Itin daug prieštaravimų kelia 7–9 dešimtmečiuose įvykę miestų centrų pertvarkymai. Naujos architektūrinės kalbos įgyvendinimas, statant pastatus, istoriškai susiklosčiusiose aplinkose ėmė keisti jų savitumus. Straipsnyje analizuojami dviejų Lietuvos miestų Vilniaus ir Panevėžio centruose 7–9 dešimtmečiuose įvykę architektūriniai pokyčiai ir jų nulemtas santykis su istorine aplinka.
In the history of Lithuanian architecture, the period of soviet modernism has made very problematical mark. The architectural and urbanist changes that were made in Lithuanian cities during this period are linked with the beginning and development of modern building practice. Many discussions causes the changes in the city centres that were made from the 1960s. New modern buildings that were built in the historic context changed its individuality and singularity. This article analyses architectural changes that were made from 1960s to1990s in the historic context of Vilnius and Panevėžys centres. The article suggests that during different decades of the soviet modernism period, the new architecture had a different approach to the historic context . To prove this suggestion, the article presents the most distinctive buildings that were built in the historic context of the selected city centres.
Elektroninis ISSN 2335-8769 klaidingas, E-ISSN 1822-4547 teisingas