ENRESSH: a mission to D-land
Author(s) |
Gedutis, Aldis |
Ochsner, Michael |
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2020 | 73 | 93 | 104 |
Every researcher independently of the field she represents takes part in the evaluation processes. Evaluation is crucial for the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), as it might either improve or worsen their academic reputation. In the article we discuss a COST Action ENRESSH (CA-15137), which sought to analyze the SSH evaluation systems, practices, and criteria, as well as their impact on the SSH societal status. The aim of the article is twofold: firstly, it attempts to overview ENRESSH’s most important outcomes and major findings; secondly, it seeks to reflect and evaluate the action’s impact on a better understanding of the evaluation phenomenon in SSH.
Visų sričių mokslininkai vienaip ar kitaip dalyvauja mokslinių tyrimų vertinimo procesuose. Humanitariniams ir socialiniams mokslams (HSM) vertinimas yra itin svarbus, nes jis gali tiek pagerinti, tiek pabloginti mokslinę HSM reputaciją. Straipsnyje aptariama COST veikla ENRESSH (CA-15137). Autoriai siekia kritiškai ištirti HSM vertinimo sistemas, praktikas ir kriterijus, taip pat jų poveikį socialiniam HSM statusui. Straipsnio tikslas dvejopas: viena vertus, siekiama apžvelgti esminius ENRESSH veiklos atradimus bei rezultatus, kita vertus, kritiškai peržiūrimas ir įvertinamas ENRESSH poveikis geresniam vertinimo fenomeno HSM supratimui.