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- research articleAgriculture, 2024, vol. 14, no. 11, p. 1-13
Leafy vegetables, mainly lettuces, are currently the main crop cultivated in controlled environment agriculture (CEA), including vertical farming and plant factories. There is a rising demand to expand this portfolio with a wider variety of underutilized edible plants containing various bioactive compounds and sensory properties seeking to enrich human diets. However, the optimal cultivation conditions for these underutilized plants significantly differ from those optimized for lettuce, basil, and other popular CEA crops. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impacts of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting intensity (photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD) on green leaf Perilla frutescens cultivated in CEA. Plants were grown under four levels of LED lighting PPFDs from 150 to 300 µmol m−2s−1 for 4 weeks. Plant biomass productivity, soluble sugar contents, antioxidant properties (DPPH, ABTS free radical scavenging activities, FRAP antioxidant power), and total contents of phenolic compounds in leaves were evaluated at harvesting time. Further, harvested plant material was stored in the dark, at +6 °C, and the water content, water loss and transpiration rate, leaf sugar contents, and antioxidant properties were monitored 1, 3, and 5 days after harvesting. The summarized data suggest that higher cultivation lighting PPFD results in better harvest quality preservation during post-harvest storage.
- research articleComprehensive Reviews In Food Science And Food Safety, 2025, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 1-34
Despite progress in reducing global hunger, micronutrient deficiencies and imbalanced diets linked to urbanization remain pressing health threats. Protected cultivation offers a promising avenue for sustainable intensification of vegetable production. Additionally, indoor and vertical farming have recently emerged as cutting‐edge strategies, particularly in densely populated urban areas and mega‐cities. However, research has focused on maximizing yield, neglecting the impact of pre‐harvest conditions on produce quality. Here, we explore strategies for manipulating environmental factors within protected cultivation systems to enhance vegetable nutritional value. Research suggests moderate stress can positively influence nutrient composition while plants exhibit stage‐specific metabolic responses to environmental factors. For instance, seedlings thrive under a higher blue‐to‐red ratio, while green light benefits leafy vegetables. Additionally, increased blue light or supplemental UV‐A benefits flowering and fruiting vegetables. When other environmental factors are optimal, light intensity significantly impacts vegetable nutritional quality, followed by CO 2 levels, light spectrum, temperature, and humidity. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms, the complex interplay of environmental factors, and their interaction with genetic material and cultural practices on nutritional quality.
Teoriniai titano dioksido nanodalelių geometrinės struktūros evoliucijos tyrimaiPublication [Theoretical investigation of geometrical structure evolution of titanium dioxide nanoparticles]conference paper44-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, 2021 m. spalio 6–8 d., Vilnius: programa ir pranešimų tezės, vol. 44, p. 46-46Mažos titano dioksido nanodalelės, (TiO2)n n=1-60, pasižymi kompleksiniais potencinės energijos paviršiais su daugybe lokalių minimumų, ir esant normalioms sąlygoms kiekviena nanodalelė turi keletą statistiškai reikšmingų konformerų. Šių konformerų identifikavimas yra sudėtinga problema, kuri reikalauja skaitmeniškai brangių skaičiavimų naudojant elektroninės struktūros metodus suporuotus su efektyviu potencinės energijos paviršių analizės algoritmu. Iki šiol, dėl didelių skaičiavimų kaštų buvo atlikta tik (TiO2)n n=1-15 nanodalelių mažiausios energijos konformerų paieška naudojant tankio funkcionalo teorijos (DFT) metodus. Šiame pranešime pristatysime mažiausios energijos konformerų paieškos rezultatus gautus (TiO2)n n=1-60 nanodalelėms. Šis tyrimas buvo atliktas panaudojant autorių sukurtą mažiausios energijos konformerų identifikavimo (TG-OPT) metodą, kuriame nanodalelės elektroninė struktūra aprašoma pusiau empiriniu GFN2- xTB metodu [1] ir potencinės energijos paviršius analizuojamas genetiniu medžio augimo algoritmu su panašumo indekso kontrolės funkcija. TG-OPT metodo tikslumas bei efektyvumas buvo įvertintas palyginant šiuo bei DFT metodais gautas konformerų geometrines struktūras (TiO2)n n=1-15 nanodalelėms. Mažiausioms (TiO2)n n=1-5 nanodalelėms TG-OPT metodas leidžia pasiekti geometrinių parametrų tikslumą panašų arba geresnį už įvairius DFT metodus. Didesnėms (TiO2)n n=6-15 nanodalelėms TG-OPT metodu nustatytos žemiausios energijos konformerų geometrinės struktūros skiriasi nuo konformerų struktūrų gautų DFT metodais (žr. pav. 1) bei Jakarto panašumo indeksai tarp šių struktūrų svyruoja nuo 0.2 iki 0.7. Detalesnė geometrinių skirtumų analizė tarp konformerų struktūrų gautų TG-OPT bei DFT metodais rodo, kad TG-OPT metodas nustato Ti-O cheminių ryšių ilgius 0.05-0.27 Å trumpesnius už nustatytus DFT metodais, bei nustato kampus tarp dviejų Ti-O cheminių ryšių 5.1- 10.8o didesnius už nustatytus DFT metodais [...].
Plonų TiO2 sluoksnių paviršiaus modifikavimas Au ir Ag nanodalelėmisPublication [Surface modification of thin TiO2 films by Au and Ag nanoparticles]conference paper44-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, 2021 m. spalio 6–8 d., Vilnius: programa ir pranešimų tezės, vol. 44, p. 245-245TiO2 pagrindu suformuotų heterostruktūrų panaudojimas, t.y. TiO2 dekoravimas metalinėmis nanostruktūromis (NS), gali prailginti elektronų skylių porų gyvenimą ir pagreitinti redukcijos reakcijas arba leisti panaudoti lokalizuotą paviršinių plazmonų rezonansą (LSPR) puslaidininkinėje fotokatalizėje [1]. Šis reiškinys labai priklauso nuo nanostruktūrų geometrijos, medžiagos ir optinių padėklo ir supančios aplinkos savybių [2]. LSPR vyksta matomos šviesos srityje naudojant daugumą metalų ir metalų lydinių. Auksas ir sidabras yra dažniausiai naudojamos medžiagos, siekiant gauti paviršinio plazmonų rezonanso reiškinį. Rezonansinį dažnį galima keisti ne tik keičiant medžiagą, bet ir keičiant atstumus tarp nanodalelių, jų dydį, formą ir pasiskirstymą. Rezonansinis dažnis pereina į trumpesnius bangos ilgius, padidinus atstumą tarp nanostruktūrų, o, padidinus nanostruktūrų skersmenį, slenkasi į ilgesnius bangos ilgius. Tas pats efektas atsiranda, kai sferinių nanostruktūrų forma yra keičiama, pvz. į penkiakampę arba trikampę formas. Elektronų pluošto litografija, nano atspaudų litografija ir cheminė sintezė yra plačiai naudojamos technologijos metalinėms nanostruktūroms formuoti. Tačiau, šie metodai yra brangūs ir reikalaujantys daug laiko. Kitą vertus, plonų metalinių sluoksnių atkaitinimo metodas yra pigus ir paprastas, leidžiantis pagaminti norimų parametrų nanostruktūras. Atkaitinant plonus metalinius sluoksnius žemesnėje nei lydymosi temperatūroje, jie suyra iki sferinės formos nanostruktūrų [3]. Šio tyrimo tikslas ištirti Au ir Ag nanostruktūrų formavimo parametrų ir LSPR priklausomybę. Tuo tikslu buvo suformuoti ploni TiO2 sluoksniai ant SiO2 ir kvarcinio stiklo padėklų, vėliau juos padengiant 5nm – 10 nm storio Au ir Ag sluoksniais, panaudojant megnetroninio nusodinimo metodą. Suformuotos plonasluoksnės sistemos buvo atkaitinamos Ar dujų ar vakuumo aplinkoje, 400℃ - 800℃ temperatūrų intervale. Gautos nanostruktūros buvo analizuotos SEM ir ImageJ. Nustatyta (1 pav.): • atkaitinant storesnius sluoksnius, padidėja vidutinis nanostruktūrų skersmuo [4]. • vidutinis nanostruktūrų skersmuo priklauso nuo aplinkos savybių: Ag nanostruktūrų skersmenys mažesni, jei atkaitinama vakuume. • LSPR slenkasi į ilgesnių bangos ilgių ruožą, didėjant nanostruktūrų skersmeniui. [...].
- conference paperInter-Academia 2018: 17th international conference on global research and education, September 24-27, 2018 Kaunas, Lithuania: programme and abstracts, vol. 17, p. 49-49
Different methods are used for modeling of the properties of single chamber fuel cell components. The morphology and structure of solid electrolyte prepared by electron beam evaporation method is modeled by using Mote Carlo simulations and phase separation modeling based phase filed theory and Cahn-Hilliard equation. Both methods let to model surface roughness of ionic electrolyte which influences ion conductivity. Most convenient way to model surface roughness is by using island film growth model. This model separates adsorption processes on various surface formations and involves island coalescence process, and lets to analyze different modes of film growth from layer by layer till 2-d and 3-d island growth. This method is very useful to analyze the processes of formation of island like electrodes deposited on surface of electrolyte. The Ion conductivity of solid electrolyte is modeled by using so called Brick-Layer model which relates impedance with various kinds of diffusion processes: surface diffusion, bulk diffusion, grain boundary diffusion. The dissociative adsorption and catalysis on the surfaces of cathode and anode is modeled by using mass action law. By combining in one model the different processes such as dissociative adsorption, surface chemical reactions on the surfaces of electrodes with formation of oxygen negative ions on the cathode and water molecules after combining with hydrogen on the anode, surface and bulk diffusion of oxygen ions in electrolyte leading by electric field formed and including grain boundary diffusion and surface diffusion the efficiency of working fuel cell can be analyzed by varying of different properties electrolyte and electrodes. The theoretical simulations and modeling are verified with experimental observations and measurements done by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, impedance measurements and other methods. By fitting of experimental results the various model kinetic and thermodynamic parameters are calculated which late helps to simulate properties of single chamber solid oxide fuel cell components.
Kokybiniai tyrimai: principai ir metodai : vadovėlis socialinių mokslų studijų programų studentamsPublication bookVilnius : Vaga, 2017Šis vadovėlis skiriamas aukštųjų mokyklų socialinių mokslų edukologijos, psichologijos, sociologijos, antropologijos, viešosios komunikacijos, ekonomikos, viešojo administravimo, vadybos ir politikos mokslų krypčių sudijų studentams.
25062 - bookKaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2014
Vadovėlis „Takas“ skirtas B1 lygio lietuvių kalbos gebėjimams ugdyti. Jį sudaro 8 pamokos – „žingsniai“, – apimantys svarbias šiam lygiui leksikos temas ir dalį gramatikos. Ši knyga – rinkinys įvairių žanrų, skirtingo sudėtingumo tekstų, kad tiek studentai, tiek jų mokytojai galėtų lanksčiai, kūrybingai ir efektyviai naudotis pateikta medžiaga. Tekstų įvairovė – bandymas atsižvelgti į skirtingų mokymosi stilių, pomėgių, socialinių sričių ir interesų besimokančiųjų poreikius. Apskritai vadovėlio išeities taškas – autentiški tekstai ir natūrali kalbos vartosena. Knyga gausiai iliustruota paveikslais ir fotografijomis, atspindinčiomis įvairias gyvenimo realijas, apimančias įvairius socialinius bei kultūrinius lietuvių kalbos vartojimo ir gyvenimo aspektus. Kiekvienoje pamokoje galima rasti ir smulkiosios tautosakos bei sakytinės kalbos, neformaliosios kalbos pavyzdžių. Dalis gramatikos taisyklių pateikta pamokose kaip aktyvios užduotys. Daugiau informacijos ir gramatikos taisyklių pateikta gramatikos priedo įklijoje, kuri suskirstyta ne pagal pamokas, o pagal kalbos dalis. Šią informaciją galima naudoti skirtingose pamokose, kai tik kyla klausimų dėl tinkamos žodžio formos. Atmintuke rasite kiekvienos pamokos koliažus, kuriuos galima rodyti išmaniojoje lentoje interaktyvioms užduotims, klausymo įrašus ir visus vadovėlio tekstus, kad mokytojas panorėjęs galėtų išradingai juos panaudoti kurdamas savo užduotis. Pajuskite, kaip žingsnis po žingsnio lietuvių kalba ir kultūra jums tampa suprantamesnė, įdomesnė, gal net artimesnė.
3907 12818 - bookKaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2012
Šiuolaikinei organizacijai, norinčiai sėkmingai dirbti rinkoje, būtinos marketingo komunikacijos. Jos yra vienas pagrindinių šiuolaikinio marketingo aspektų. Tai svarbus bet kokios organizacijos veiklos elementas, leidžiantis organizacijai bendrauti su klientais. organizacijos turi mokėti koordinuoti, integruoti, planuoti savo komunikaciją – išmokti naudoti tokį galingą marketingo įrankį kaip marketingo komunikacijos. Mokomoji knyga parengta remiantis marketingo komunikacijų tema parašytais lietuvių ir užsienio autorių darbais ir vadovėliais, taip pat internetu pasiekiamais šaltiniais.
19098 6743 Socialinė psichologija : [mokomoji knyga]Publication bookVilnius : Vaga, 2008Socialinė psichologija yra mokslas apie santykius tarp žmonių, todėl kiekvienas esame savo kasdienio gyvenimo socialiniai psichologai. Kiekvienas turime savo supratimą apie tai, kodėl mums svarbūs žmonės elgiasi taip, kaip jie elgiasi, ir spėjimą, kaip jie elgsis ateityje. Šios knygos paskirtis yra glaustai apžvelgti socialinės psichologijos problematiką ir pagrindines sukauptas žinias apie šį mokslą. Svarbiausi santykių tarp žmonių principai ir dėsniai apibendrinti taip, kad skaitytojas galėtų pritaikyti juos savo kasdieniame gyvenime. Knygoje aptariamos temos – nuo emocijų ir įvaizdžio iki meilės, manipuliacijos ir lyderystės – sudomins kiekvieną skaitytoją, norintį išmokti efektyviau bendrauti ir sukurti geresnius santykius su kitais žmonėmis.
5637 Fizika : vadovėlis 7 klaseiPublication bookKaunas : Šviesa, 2012„Fizika 7“ – naujas „Šok“ serijos vadovėlis. Jis darniai dera prie kitų jau išleistų ir leidžiamų šios serijos vadovėlių, yra susijęs su jais visomis serijos ypatybėmis ir medžiagos suderinamumu. Parengtas atlankos principu, kai vienoje atlankoje dėstoma viena tema. Vadovėlį sudaro penki skyriai: 1) Įvadas, 2) Šviesos pasaulyje, 3) Medžiagos ir šiluma, 4) Elektra, 5) Fizikiniai dydžiai ir jų matavimas. Skyriuje „Įvadas“ pateikiami atsakymai į klausimus „Ką sužinosiu ir ko išmoksiu?“, „Kur tai galėsiu pritaikyti?“, „Kaip tai galėsiu išmokti?“ Skyriaus apibendrinimo atlankoje įdėtas „Minčių žemėlapis“, kuris turėtų padėti aprėpti visą skyrių, nes fizikoje visos temos yra labai glaudžiai susijusios. Pagrindinės skyriuje naudojamos sąvokos yra skirtingų spalvų, o spalva reiškia temos numerį skyriuje. Jei langelis nuspalvintas keliomis spalvomis – vadinasi, ši sąvoka aiškinama (naudojama) keliose skyriaus temose. Taip pat čia įdėtos ir užduotys skyriaus temoms pakartoti. Fizikoje be matematikos neišsiversi, tad knygos gale esama priedų, kur sudėti septintoje klasėje reikalingiausi fragmentai iš matematikos vadovėlio ir plačiau aiškinamos paklaidos – tiek, kiek reikėtų žinoti baigus septintą klasę. Knygos gale yra žodynėlis. Jame pateikiami žodžiai, tekste išspausdinti pusjuodžiu šriftu. Pusjuodžius žodžius rekomenduojama išmokti: tai svarbios sąvokos, praversiančios toliau mokantis fizikos.
- bookKaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2009
This teaching aid has grown out from the course Introduction into English Linguistics which I have been teaching at Vytautas Magnus University for a number of years. Its aim is to present students with a concise and up-to-date discussion of some of the main topics that mod-ern linguistics addresses. The teaching guide is provided with exercises for each topic (graded from less difficult to advanced), and questions for discussion. All the exercises have been tested in class. The teaching guide also includes a glossary of the most important terms which students have to know and be able to use not only in this course but also in the other linguistic courses that they take in the programme of English Philology.
39581 2252 - bookKaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2012
Šiuolaikinei organizacijai, norinčiai sėkmingai dirbti rinkoje, būtinos marketingo komunikacijos. Jos yra vienas pagrindinių šiuolaikinio marketingo aspektų. Tai svarbus bet kokios organizacijos veiklos elementas, leidžiantis organizacijai bendrauti su klientais. organizacijos turi mokėti koordinuoti, integruoti, planuoti savo komunikaciją – išmokti naudoti tokį galingą marketingo įrankį kaip marketingo komunikacijos. Mokomoji knyga parengta remiantis marketingo komunikacijų tema parašytais lietuvių ir užsienio autorių darbais ir vadovėliais, taip pat internetu pasiekiamais šaltiniais.
19098 6743 Introduction to the analysis of crime fiction [elektroninis išteklius] : a user-friendly guidePublication bookKaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011This text serves as an introduction to critical analysis of crime fiction in English. After a brief review of the pre-history of crime fiction in English, the principal focus is on sub-genres such as Golden Age detective stories, American noir thrillers, thrillers in general and police procedurals. For each sub-genre a list of characteristics is provided. Some major authors like Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, P.D. James, Ruth Rendell, Ian Rankin and Kathy Reichs are given closer attention. In addition, newer trends in crime fiction are discussed. Exercises for students and advice in carrying out research on crime fiction are also given.
19024 3368 - bookKaunas : Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas, 2015
The idea to write this book primarily came from our intention to share what we have discovered about one of the greatest childhood miracles – play. For a number of years we have explored this phenomenon, yet its profound and extraordinary nature still continues to surprise us. Promotes development and, at the same time, is the greatest achievement of the child. Keeping this in mind, we designed our monograph for a few purposes. First, we wanted to present the results of the three-year project “Development of Self-Regulation in Play” attained in play research laboratory of the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. Second, we sought for the first time to discuss in Lithuanian language the theory of play based on cultural – historical psychology. Our objective was to formulate and present the key principles of the development of self-regulation through play activities. Finally, we aimed to describe the steps of practical use of joint (adult-child) play activities that help a child to develop a self-regulatory behavior during play. Why did we choose to focus on the development of self-regulation through play activities? Simply that a large number of worldwide studies show (Elkind, 1982, 2007; Singer, Singer, D’Agostino, DeLong, 2008; Frost, 2010) that children’s imaginary play is vanishing and that their imagination and self-regulation skills have deteriorated. Another observed trend is a clear opposition between play and academic learning (Miller & Almon, 2009; Nicolopoulou, 2010). Surveys reveal that currently selfregulation and executive functions are in the center of researchers’ attention worldwide and are among top ten studies in progress. [...]
18051 3556 - bookKaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2011
Cheminių reakcijų ir procesų termodinamika, grįžtamosios ir negrįžtamosios cheminės reakcijos, fazių pusiausvyra ir tirpalai, elektrochemija, cheminių reakcijų kinetika, koloidų chemija. Šioje knygoje pateikiama teorinė dalis, uždavinių sprendimai, užduotys savarankiškam darbui, laboratorinių darbų aprašai minėtomis temomis.
16857 2172
- research articleIEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing. New York, NY : IEEE Press, Vol. 1, iss. 1, 2004, p. 11-33
This paper gives the main definitions relating to dependability, a generic concept including as special case such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, integrity, maintainability, etc. Security brings in concerns for confidentiality, in addition to availability and integrity. Basic definitions are given first. They are then commented upon, and supplemented by additional definitions, which address the threats to dependability and security (faults, errors, failures), their attributes, and the means for their achievement (fault prevention, fault tolerance, fault removal, fault forecasting). The aim is to explicate a set of general concepts, of relevance across a wide range of situations and, therefore, helping communication and cooperation among a number of scientific and technical communities, including ones that are concentrating on particular types of system, of system failures, or of causes of system failures.
199WOS© Citations 2660Scopus© Citations 3995 - research articleEnvironmental science and technology, 2012, vol. 46, no. 20, p. 11195-11205
Land Use Regression (LUR) models have been used increasingly for modeling small-scale spatial variation in air pollution concentrations and estimating individual exposure for participants of cohort studies. Within the ESCAPE project, concentrations of PM(2.5), PM(2.5) absorbance, PM(10), and PM(coarse) were measured in 20 European study areas at 20 sites per area. GIS-derived predictor variables (e.g., traffic intensity, population, and land-use) were evaluated to model spatial variation of annual average concentrations for each study area. The median model explained variance (R(2)) was 71% for PM(2.5) (range across study areas 35-94%). Model R(2) was higher for PM(2.5) absorbance (median 89%, range 56-97%) and lower for PM(coarse) (median 68%, range 32- 81%). Models included between two and five predictor variables, with various traffic indicators as the most common predictors. Lower R(2) was related to small concentration variability or limited availability of predictor variables, especially traffic intensity. Cross validation R(2) results were on average 8-11% lower than model R(2). Careful selection of monitoring sites, examination of influential observations and skewed variable distributions were essential for developing stable LUR models. The final LUR models are used to estimate air pollution concentrations at the home addresses of participants in the health studies involved in ESCAPE.
166WOS© Citations 889Scopus© Citations 971 - research articleAtmospheric environment, 2013, vol. 72, p. 10-23
Estimating within-city variability in air pollution concentrations is important. Land use regression (LUR) models are able to explain such small-scale within-city variations. Transparency in LUR model development methods is important to facilitate comparison of methods between different studies. We therefore developed LUR models in a standardized way in 36 study areas in Europe for the ESCAPE (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects) project. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) were measured with Ogawa passive samplers at 40 or 80 sites in each of the 36 study areas. The spatial variation in each area was explained by LUR modelling. Centrally and locally available Geographic Information System (GIS) variables were used as potential predictors. A leave-one out cross-validation procedure was used to evaluate the model performance. There was substantial contrast in annual average NO2 and NOx concentrations within the study areas. The model explained variances (R2) of the LUR models ranged from 55% to 92% (median 82%) for NO2 and from 49% to 91% (median 78%) for NOx. For most areas the cross-validation R2 was less than 10% lower than the model R2. Small-scale traffic and population/household density were the most common predictors. The magnitude of the explained variance depended on the contrast in measured concentrations as well as availability of GIS predictors, especially traffic intensity data were important. In an additional evaluation, models in which local traffic intensity was not offered had 10% lower R2 compared to models in the same areas in which these variables were offered. Within the ESCAPE project it was possible to develop LUR models that explained a large fraction of the spatial variance in measured annual average NO2 and NOx concentrations. These LUR models are being used to estimate outdoor concentrations at the home addresses of participants in over 30 cohort studies.
153WOS© Citations 723Scopus© Citations 783 - research articleLancet respiratory medicine [elektroninis išteklius]. Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2013, vol. 1, iss. 9, p. 695-704
Methods. We pooled data from 14 population-based mother–child cohort studies in 12 European countries. Overall, the study population included 74 178 women who had singleton deliveries between Feb 11, 1994, and June 2, 2011, and for whom information about infant birthweight, gestational age, and sex was available. The primary outcome of interest was low birthweight at term (weight <2500 g at birth after 37 weeks of gestation). Mean concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2•5 μm (PM2•5), less than 10 μm (PM10), and between 2•5 μm and 10 μm during pregnancy were estimated at maternal home addresses with temporally adjusted land-use regression models, as was PM2•5 absorbance and concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxides. We also investigated traffic density on the nearest road and total traffic load. We calculated pooled effect estimates with random-effects models. Findings. A 5 μg/m3 increase in concentration of PM2•5 during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of low birthweight at term (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1•18, 95% CI 1•06–1•33). An increased risk was also recorded for pregnancy concentrations lower than the present European Union annual PM2•5 limit of 25 μg/m3 (OR for 5 μg/m3 increase in participants exposed to concentrations of less than 20 μg/m3 1•41, 95% CI 1•20–1•65). PM10 (OR for 10 μg/m3 increase 1•16, 95% CI 1•00–1•35), NO2 (OR for 10 μg/m3 increase 1•09, 1•00–1•19), and traffic density on nearest street (OR for increase of 5000 vehicles per day 1•06, 1•01–1•11) were also associated with increased risk of low birthweight at term. The population attributable risk estimated for a reduction in PM2•5 concentration to 10 μg/m3 during pregnancy corresponded to a decrease of 22% (95% CI 8–33%) in cases of low birthweight at term. [...].
144WOS© Citations 427Scopus© Citations 489 Natural outdoor environments and mental and physical health: relationships and mechanismsPublication research articleEnvironment international. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier B.V., 2015, vol. 77, p. 35-41Background: Evidence is growing for the beneficial impacts of natural outdoor environments on health. However, most of the evidence has focused on green spaces and little evidence is available on health benefits of blue spaces and about possible mediators and modifiers of such impacts. We investigated the association between natural outdoor environments (separately for green and blue spaces) and health (general and mental) and its possible mediators and modifiers. Methods: Cross-sectional data fromadults interviewed in Catalonia (Spain) between 2010 and 2012 as part of the Catalonia Health Surveywere used. The collected data included sociodemographic characteristics, self-perceived general health, mental health, physical activity and social support. Indicators of surrounding greenness and access to natural outdoor environments within 300 m of the residence and degree of urbanization were derived for residential addresses. Associations were estimated using logistic regression and negative binominal models. Results: Green spaces were associated with better self-perceived general health and better mental health, independent of degree of urbanization. The associationsweremore consistent for surrounding greenness than for access to green spaces. The results were consistent for different buffers, and when stratifying for socioeconomic status. Slightly stronger associations were found for women and residents of non-densely populated areas. No association was found between green spaces and social contacts and physical activity. The results for blue spaces were not conclusive. Conclusion: Green spaces are associated with better general and mental health across strata of urbanization, socioeconomic status, and genders. Mechanisms other than physical activity or social support may explain these associations.
113WOS© Citations 416Scopus© Citations 478
- research articleIEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing. New York, NY : IEEE Press, Vol. 1, iss. 1, 2004, p. 11-33
This paper gives the main definitions relating to dependability, a generic concept including as special case such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, integrity, maintainability, etc. Security brings in concerns for confidentiality, in addition to availability and integrity. Basic definitions are given first. They are then commented upon, and supplemented by additional definitions, which address the threats to dependability and security (faults, errors, failures), their attributes, and the means for their achievement (fault prevention, fault tolerance, fault removal, fault forecasting). The aim is to explicate a set of general concepts, of relevance across a wide range of situations and, therefore, helping communication and cooperation among a number of scientific and technical communities, including ones that are concentrating on particular types of system, of system failures, or of causes of system failures.
199WOS© Citations 2660Scopus© Citations 3995 - research articleEnvironmental science and technology, 2012, vol. 46, no. 20, p. 11195-11205
Land Use Regression (LUR) models have been used increasingly for modeling small-scale spatial variation in air pollution concentrations and estimating individual exposure for participants of cohort studies. Within the ESCAPE project, concentrations of PM(2.5), PM(2.5) absorbance, PM(10), and PM(coarse) were measured in 20 European study areas at 20 sites per area. GIS-derived predictor variables (e.g., traffic intensity, population, and land-use) were evaluated to model spatial variation of annual average concentrations for each study area. The median model explained variance (R(2)) was 71% for PM(2.5) (range across study areas 35-94%). Model R(2) was higher for PM(2.5) absorbance (median 89%, range 56-97%) and lower for PM(coarse) (median 68%, range 32- 81%). Models included between two and five predictor variables, with various traffic indicators as the most common predictors. Lower R(2) was related to small concentration variability or limited availability of predictor variables, especially traffic intensity. Cross validation R(2) results were on average 8-11% lower than model R(2). Careful selection of monitoring sites, examination of influential observations and skewed variable distributions were essential for developing stable LUR models. The final LUR models are used to estimate air pollution concentrations at the home addresses of participants in the health studies involved in ESCAPE.
166WOS© Citations 889Scopus© Citations 971 - research articleAtmospheric environment, 2013, vol. 72, p. 10-23
Estimating within-city variability in air pollution concentrations is important. Land use regression (LUR) models are able to explain such small-scale within-city variations. Transparency in LUR model development methods is important to facilitate comparison of methods between different studies. We therefore developed LUR models in a standardized way in 36 study areas in Europe for the ESCAPE (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects) project. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) were measured with Ogawa passive samplers at 40 or 80 sites in each of the 36 study areas. The spatial variation in each area was explained by LUR modelling. Centrally and locally available Geographic Information System (GIS) variables were used as potential predictors. A leave-one out cross-validation procedure was used to evaluate the model performance. There was substantial contrast in annual average NO2 and NOx concentrations within the study areas. The model explained variances (R2) of the LUR models ranged from 55% to 92% (median 82%) for NO2 and from 49% to 91% (median 78%) for NOx. For most areas the cross-validation R2 was less than 10% lower than the model R2. Small-scale traffic and population/household density were the most common predictors. The magnitude of the explained variance depended on the contrast in measured concentrations as well as availability of GIS predictors, especially traffic intensity data were important. In an additional evaluation, models in which local traffic intensity was not offered had 10% lower R2 compared to models in the same areas in which these variables were offered. Within the ESCAPE project it was possible to develop LUR models that explained a large fraction of the spatial variance in measured annual average NO2 and NOx concentrations. These LUR models are being used to estimate outdoor concentrations at the home addresses of participants in over 30 cohort studies.
153WOS© Citations 723Scopus© Citations 783 - research articleLancet respiratory medicine [elektroninis išteklius]. Amsterdam : Elsevier B.V., 2013, vol. 1, iss. 9, p. 695-704
Methods. We pooled data from 14 population-based mother–child cohort studies in 12 European countries. Overall, the study population included 74 178 women who had singleton deliveries between Feb 11, 1994, and June 2, 2011, and for whom information about infant birthweight, gestational age, and sex was available. The primary outcome of interest was low birthweight at term (weight <2500 g at birth after 37 weeks of gestation). Mean concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2•5 μm (PM2•5), less than 10 μm (PM10), and between 2•5 μm and 10 μm during pregnancy were estimated at maternal home addresses with temporally adjusted land-use regression models, as was PM2•5 absorbance and concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxides. We also investigated traffic density on the nearest road and total traffic load. We calculated pooled effect estimates with random-effects models. Findings. A 5 μg/m3 increase in concentration of PM2•5 during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of low birthweight at term (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1•18, 95% CI 1•06–1•33). An increased risk was also recorded for pregnancy concentrations lower than the present European Union annual PM2•5 limit of 25 μg/m3 (OR for 5 μg/m3 increase in participants exposed to concentrations of less than 20 μg/m3 1•41, 95% CI 1•20–1•65). PM10 (OR for 10 μg/m3 increase 1•16, 95% CI 1•00–1•35), NO2 (OR for 10 μg/m3 increase 1•09, 1•00–1•19), and traffic density on nearest street (OR for increase of 5000 vehicles per day 1•06, 1•01–1•11) were also associated with increased risk of low birthweight at term. The population attributable risk estimated for a reduction in PM2•5 concentration to 10 μg/m3 during pregnancy corresponded to a decrease of 22% (95% CI 8–33%) in cases of low birthweight at term. [...].
144WOS© Citations 427Scopus© Citations 489 COVID-19 image classification using deep features and fractional-order marine predators algorithmPublication research articleScientific reports, 2020, p. 1-15Currently, we witness the severe spread of the pandemic of the new Corona virus, COVID-19, which causes dangerous symptoms to humans and animals, its complications may lead to death. Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is considered the current state-of-the-art image classification technique, it needs massive computational cost for deployment and training. In this paper, we propose an improved hybrid classification approach for COVID-19 images by combining the strengths of CNNs (using a powerful architecture called Inception) to extract features and a swarm-based feature selection algorithm (Marine Predators Algorithm) to select the most relevant features. A combination of fractional-order and marine predators algorithm (FO-MPA) is considered an integration among a robust tool in mathematics named fractional-order calculus (FO). The proposed approach was evaluated on two public COVID-19 X-ray datasets which achieves both high performance and reduction of computational complexity. The two datasets consist of X-ray COVID- 19 images by international Cardiothoracic radiologist, researchers and others published on Kaggle. The proposed approach selected successfully 130 and 86 out of 51 K features extracted by inception from dataset 1 and dataset 2, while improving classification accuracy at the same time. The results are the best achieved on these datasets when compared to a set of recent feature selection algorithms. By achieving 98.7%, 98.2% and 99.6%, 99% of classification accuracy and F-Score for dataset 1 and dataset 2, respectively, the proposed approach outperforms several CNNs and all recent works on COVID-19 images.
42WOS© Citations 125Scopus© Citations 487