Is history doomed to divide or may it unite? The role of memory in shaping international relations in Central Europe
Author(s) |
Roszkowski, Wojciech |
Date Issued | Volume | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2023 | 131 | 3 | 95 | 110 |
Pagrindinis tyrimo klausimas – ar istorija pasmerkta skaldyti, o gal atvirkščiai – gali suvienyti? Autorius teigia, kad, viena vertus, tiesos sąvokos atsisakymas istoriografijoje gali paskatinti istoriją traktuoti kaip selektyvių argumentų rezervuarą politinėse kovose. Šia prasme istorija visada skaldys. Kita vertus, tiesa gali būti pasiekta. Mokslininkai turi kelis būdus patikrinti, kiek toli nuo tiesos yra teiginys apie istoriją. Egzistuoja šešios pagrindinės tikrinimo taisyklės, kurios aptariamos straipsnyje. Nagrinėjama nacionalinio tapatumo samprata, kultūra, suvokiama kaip nacionalinio tapatumo pagrindas, ir regioninio bendradarbiavimo kontekstas.
The main research question is whether history is doomed to divide or whether it may unite. The author argues that, on the one hand, the rejection of the concept of truth in historiography may lead to treating history as a reservoir of selective argument in political struggles. In this sense, history will always divide. However, on the other hand, truth may be achieved. Scholars have several ways to test how far from the truth is a statement concerning history. There are six basic rules to test it, which are discussed in the article. The concept of national identity, culture perceived as the backbone of national identity and the regional cooperation context are examined.
Journal | IF | AIF | AIF (min) | AIF (max) | Cat | AV | Year | Quartile |
Istorija | 0.1 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 1 | 0.286 | 2023 | Q3 |
Journal | IF | AIF | AIF (min) | AIF (max) | Cat | AV | Year | Quartile |
Istorija | 0.1 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 1 | 0.286 | 2023 | Q3 |