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Krilavičius, Tomas
Preferred name
Krilavičius, Tomas
Mokslų daktaras / Doctor of Science (2006) |
Profesorius / Professor (2013) |
Informatikos fakulteto dekanas / Dean of the Faculty of Informatics |
Darbuotojas / Employee
Official Name
Krilavičius, Tomas
Alternative Name
Krilavicius, Tomas
Krilavičius, T.
Krilavicius, T.
Other Email(s)
ORCID (Saved)
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Research Interests
Prof. Tomas Krilavičius is a dean of the Faculty of Informatics. He defended his Ph.D. thesis Hybrid Techniques for Hybrid Methods in 2006 at Twente University, The Netherlands. Tomas has industrial experience (Equinox Europe, Elsis, ElitNet), and is a co-founder of several startups. He is a chair of the board of INFOBALT and a board member of the Lithuanian Artificial Intelligence Association . He represents Lithuania at the NATO STO Information Systems and Technologies panel. His scientific interests include applications of AI and Language Technologies and scientific infrastructures. He has participated in and led a number of national and international research projects.
Knows Language | Spoken | Written |
Lietuvių / Lithuanian | Gimtoji / Native | Gimtoji / Native |
Anglų / English | Labai gerai / Very good | Labai gerai / Very good |
Rusų / Russian | Labai gerai / Very good | Labai gerai / Very good |
Lenkų / Polish | Pagrindai / Basics | Pagrindai / Basics |