VMU Works Council

The Works Council (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) shall be the collegial body representing the interests of University employees. The Council shall represent all University employees in information and consultation procedures, as well as in any issues that may affect the socio-economic situation of University employees, and shall be guided by the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the University’s internal labour standards, and other legal acts in its activities. In performing its functions, the Council shall take into account the rights and interests of all University employees, shall not discriminate against individual employees, groups of employees, or employees of individual structural units, and shall adhere to the principles of goodwill and respect for the legitimate interests of the employer in its activities.

This Council shall be independent from the employer and shall act autonomously. The employer shall not influence the decisions of the Works Council or otherwise interfere in the activities of the Works Council. If the Works Council agrees, the employer’s representatives shall be invited to attend the Works Council meetings.

This Council shall be chaired by the Chairperson. When the Chairperson of the Works Council is temporarily unable to carry out his/her functions, these functions shall be carried out by another member of the Works Council appointed by the Chairperson.

If the employer violates his/her information and consultation obligations, the Works Council shall have the right to initiate a labour dispute regarding the employee’s right. The body examining the labour dispute shall have the right to annul the employer’s decisions and oblige him/her to perform certain actions.

The employer’s main duty is to inform and consult the Works Council in the following cases:

  • regular informing and consulting;
  • before approving internal regulations;
  • in case of collective redundancies;
  • in case of transfer of business or part of it.

On 18-20 October 2021, the re-election of the VMU Works Council took place at Vytautas Magnus University. After counting the ballot papers, it was estimated that 499 employees took part in the elections, representing 28.83% of the eligible electorate (1,731 employees were eligible to vote). Pursuant to the Description of the Procedure for the Election of the Works Council of Vytautas Magnus University, approved by Order No.536 of 29 December 2017 of VMU Rector (hereinafter referred to as the “Description”), the re-election of the Works Council of Vytautas Magnus University held on 18-20 October 2021 is declared to have taken place, as more than a quarter of the employees with voting rights participated in the election.

Members of the VMU Works Council: 

  • Živilė Kruopienė, Public Procurement Department; Chairperson
  • Irena Juodienė, Faculty of Informatics; Secretor
  • Inga Adamonytė, Faculty of Engineering;
  • Alvydas Aleksandravičius, Faculty of Bioeconomy Development;
  • Vladas Juknevičius, Student Affairs Department;
  • Konstantinas Kurževas, International Cooperation Department;
  • Aušra Martinkėnienė, Student Affairs Department;
  • Ramūnas Naginė, Maintenance and Investment Department;
  • Rita Rimkienė, Library;
  • Valentinas Samoilovas, Maintenance and Investment Department;
  • Jan Žukovskis, Faculty of Bioeconomy Development.