Training about Refugee Rights and Cultural Diversity


The Refugee Council of Lithuania invites members of VMU community to participate in training about refugee rights and cultural diversity. The training will take place on the 10th and 26th of November.

This training is designed for refugees and other third countries’ nationals (a third-country national is a non-EU country or a national of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland), activities’ organizers, volunteers working with refugees/migrants and students of Lithuanian universities. Its program is prepared in cooperation with Lithuanian refugee rights specialists and the specialists with refugee status. By learning about the refugee rights under Lithuanian national, EU and other international legal acts, refugees and other third-countries’ nationals will become more confident, they will be acknowledged and will discover, where they can turn for help in Lithuania.

The training activities will provide opportunities to learn about cultural diversity, to build intercultural dialogues and friendships. Volunteers and students of Lithuanian universities will get acquainted with the protection of human rights, the challenges faced by refugees and third-country nationals in Lithuania and Europe, will have opportunities to build intercultural dialogue and be involved in advocacy campaigns together with refugees and other third country nationals. The organizers of activities and volunteers will be better equipped for intercultural activities and will improve their cultural awareness and knowledge about human rights.

Training duration: 10.00-18.00; training location: Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations (Šv. Gertrūdos street 58, Kaunas). Coffee break and lunch are included in the program. The main language of instruction is English (with the possibility of translation into other languages).

The participation only with National Certificate.


For additional information about training: ​Karolina Astrauskaitė, training manager,,
Yusufi Muhammodzoda, training lecturer,

More information

​The project is co-financed by the National Program for Asylum, Migration and Integration 2014–2020 and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

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