Doctoral studies

Vytautas Magnus University has a distinct advantage which is connected to its young, promising doctoral students. Doctoral studies at VMU open up unique possibilities for academic research and studies, which contribute to the development of a future generation of highly qualified specialists. Graduates of doctoral studies at VMU are capable of conducting independent scientific research and experimental (social, cultural) development, not to mention solving hot-button issues of Lithuanian, European, and global science.

Study fields

Doctoral studies are provided jointly with 18 partner institutions in Lithuania. Currently, Vytautas Magnus University offers doctoral studies in 5 science areas and 24 science fields:

  • Humanities: Ethnology, Philology, Philosophy, History and Archaeology, Art Criticism, Theology;
  • Social sciences: Education Science, Economy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Law, Management, Communication and Information;
  • Natural sciences: Biophysics, Biology, Ecology and Environmental Science, Biochemistry, Informatics;
  • Agricultural sciences: Agronomy, Forestry;
  • Technological sciences: Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering.

Forms of studies

VMU offers two types of doctoral studies, each with a different duration and intensity: full-time (4 years) and part-time (6 years).

Selection criteria

People are admitted to doctoral studies through an open competition. The competition for admission to doctoral studies takes place once a year – from May to September (depending on the science field). The most important criteria are the following:

  • Published or accepted to be published scientific publications;
  • Scientific research project that details out what the applicant plans to research during his/her studies. It should be around 5–12 pages in length;
  • Grade point average of the master’s diploma;
  • Motivational interview, in which all the applicants must participate (in person or online). Usually, this interview is held at the end of June or in the middle of September (depending on the science field).

 Admission requirements

  • Diploma of master’s degree or qualification equivalent to it, its annex/supplement;
  • Document recognising the qualification acquired abroad issued by the VMU International Cooperation Department;
  • 2 letters of recommendation;
  • CV;
  • Scientific publications (if there are any) and their copies;
  • Project of scientific research;
  • Copy of ID document.

For more details see here.

Important dates

  • Admission rules are announced every year at the end of May or at the beginning of July (depending on the science field);
  • Motivational interview is held during the last week of June or the first two weeks of September (depending on the science field);
  • A list of invited candidates is announced at the end of June or the end of September (depending on the science field);
  • A list of invited candidates is announced at the end of September;
  • The studies begin on the 1st of October.

Scholarships and tuition fees

There are both state-funded places with scholarships and self-funded places available.

The amount of the scholarship is determined by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and is as follows:

  • EUR 1 330 per month during the first year of studies;
  • EUR 1 540 per month during the second–fourth years of studies.

Additional financial support for doctoral students is provided by VMU Science Foundation. Every year, the University awards the most active doctoral students, organises competitions to finance research trips, and supports projects carried out by doctoral students. Additional support may also be provided by other institutions upon application of doctoral students.

Tuition fees in all the science areas are as follows:

  • EUR 12 449 per year for full-time studies;
  • EUR 8 299 per year for part-time studies.

For motivated students, tuition fees can be reduced depending on the particular situation by submitting a motivational letter explaining why the tuition fee should be reduced.

Requirements during studies

During his/her studies, a doctoral student should comply with the following conditions:

  • Take approx. 5 study courses (30 ECTS);
  • Write and publish at least 2 scientific articles;
  • Participate in at least 2 conferences (one should be international);
  • Write a dissertation.

Contact information

  • Universiteto g. 8A, Room 203, 53341 Akademija, Kauno r.
  • Phone: +370 37 209 815
  • Office hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • E-mail:
  • Web-page: