Media Activism and Human Rights
In this course, a variety of activities from civil society actors (e.g. non-governmental organizations, think tanks, social movements) aimed at influencing public decision-making are reviewed. The course combines theoretical with prcatical approaches to the analysis of human rights focussed questions in contemporaty mediated communications. Theories discussing human rights, civil society groups and activism, advocacy, national and supranational policy-making, communication and media will be studied. On a practical level, the aim of the course is to give students the opportunity to use oral history as a tool. Students will learn the basic skills of using oral history in research and writing, how to achieve the outcomes, as well as deal with the limitations and constraints.
Aim of the course
By critically reviewing civic media activism related to HR issues in emerging participatory media (i.e. social networks and such) ecosystems, this course aims at identifying rhetorical strategies conducive to spread, sustainability and development of egalitarian HR and democratic values, as well as, on the basis of the gained understanding, provide practical skills in civic rhetoric and media content creation.
Bachelor diploma, English language B2 level.
Course content
Course concept note: The course begins by examining the philosophical and political bases for the international human rights movement. It looks at challenges to human rights that are brought by new ICTs and focuses on specific groups of rights holders. It further explores theories and tools of activism and the role that media plays in it.
Thematic topics here are formulated as critical inquiries: What are ‘human rights’ and how they are defined in contemporary democracies and inform and motivate hybridized participatory media and communications ecosystems? What resistance and counteraction HR discourse and activism encounters in participatory media? What are rhetorical and media creation strategies pro- and counter to HR discourse? What are attitudes and practices of professional media in this respect? What challenges to democratic governance and media policy are brought by expansion of human rights and resistance to it? Who are the core actors (civic groups, governments, media, business, corporations, HR pro- and counter- NGOs)? How various societal/cultural groups utilize and react to HR discourse and institutionsl systems?
Assesment Criteria
Analytical thinking, idea and research questions generation, authentic solutions, creative product design, in-class participation