Įranga ir elektrocheminiai procesai bioelektrotechnologijose

  • Dalyko kodas: BTC 6013
  • Apimtis ECTS kreditais: 6
  • Pavadinimas anglų kalba: Instrumentation and Electrochemistry of Bioelectrotechnologies
  • Dalyko aprašo rengėjas(-ai):

    Dr. R. Rodaitė-Riševičienė, Prof. Dr. G. Saulis, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University

Dalyko anotacija lietuvių kalba

Kurso metu susipažindinama su įranga, naudojama šiuolaikinėse bioelektrotechnologijose (impulsinės elektrinės galios generatoriais, elektrodais, kiuvetėmis), jų techniniais parametrais, bei elektrocheminiais reiškiniais, kurie vyksta jonų vandeniniuose tirpaluose dėl aukštosios įtampos impulsų paveikio. BTC 6013 kurse pateikiamos bazinės teorinės elektrochemijos mokslo žinios, principai ir taikymai. Dėl aukštosios įtampos elektrinių impulsų kilę elektrocheminiai reiškiniai gali neigiamai paveikti ląstelių elektroporaciją, taip pat neterminę skystų produktų pasterizaciją, todėl yra labai svarbu šiuos reiškinius identifikuoti ir minimizuoti. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kurse detaliai nagrinėjami galimi elektrocheminiai procesai, atsirandantys dėl aukštosios įtampos impulsų poveikio. Dalyko eigoje įgyjama daug praktinių žinių, reikalingų sėkmingam aukštosios įtampos impulsų taikymui biotechnologijoje.

Dalyko anotacija užsienio kalba

The course introduces the instrumentation, which is used in innovative bioelectrotechnologies (pulsed electric power generators, electrodes, chambers), their technical parameters and the behaviour of ions in solutions exposed to an electric pulse during PEF treatment. BTC 6013 is structured to address the theory, principles and application of what happens around electrochemical interphase. The study of electrochemical interphase is significant because electrochemical processes can take place during treatment by high-voltage electrical pulses used in various electroporation experiments and in non-thermal pasteurization of liquid foods so it should be identified and minimized. In view of this, the course introduces what is electrochemical interphase and examines type of electrochemical processes in PEF technology. During this course a lot of practical knowledge, which are necessary for successful application of PEF in biotechnology, will be obtained.

Būtinas pasirengimas dalyko studijoms

General biology. General Chemistry. Instrumental Analysis. General physics. General Biotechnology.

Dalyko studijų rezultatai

Knowing and understanding basic concepts of electrochemistry, types of interphases, mass transport, Nernst equation, potentiometric titration, etc.
Knowing and understanding the general problems and possible solutions in PEF technology.
Knowing required conditions for PEF treatment in technology, knowing the media and the equipment required. Making the student able to use the best technique to tackle and solve analytical problem.
Distinguish and analyze principles and problems of innovative bioelectrotechnologies and be able to use this knowledge in research and development work.
Understand the effects of technological and engineering solutions on the public and environment, comply with the rules of professional ethics and technological and engineering activities.

Dalyko turinys

1. Introduction: Instrumentation and electrochemistry
2. Methods of the application of the pulses of strong electric field on cells and tissues.
3. Principles of the generation of the pulses of strong electric field (from nanosecond to millisecond duration).
4. Instrumentation used in innovative bioelectrotechnologies: pulsed electric power generators, their technical parameters
5. Chambers and electrodes used to treat samples with pulsed electric fields
6. Introduction to electrochemistry. Electrodes.
7. Types of interphase in electrochemistry: metal solution, metal-metal, solution-solution inerphase.
8. Nernst equation. Potentiometric titration and applications.
9. Mass transport in electrochemical system: migration, diffusion, convection.
10. Electrochemical series and applications.
11. PEF technology and electrochemistry. Consequences of electrochemical processes in PEF technology. Overview.
12. Gas evolution, pH, conductivity changes in PEF technology.
13. Reactive oxygen species generation in PEF technology.
14. Dissolution of the electrodes and it consequences: increase in the roughness of the electrode surface as a consequence of electrochemical processes, influence of metal ions on the biochemical reactions, (complexation of metal ions released with molecules present in the solution, quenching of fluorescence as a consequence of electrochemical processes)
15. Methods of reducing electrochemical reaction intensity and reaction consequences.
Practical work (contents):
Some of the topics treated in the lectures will be deepened during the laboratory work.
List of laboratory works: 1) Electroporators, their technical parameters, electroporation chambers; 2) Quantitative determination of metal ion concentrations in aqueous solutions. 3) Identification and quantitative determination of ROS in aqueous solutions. 4) Quantitative determination of pH and conductivity changes of aqueous solutions. 5) Microscopy determination of the Roughness changes of the electrode surface. 6) Microscopy determination of the fluorescence quenching of the PEF treated medium. 7) Microscopy determination of the fluorescence quenching of the electroporated cells.

Dalyko studijos valandomis

Lectures – 45 hours, laboratory work – 15 hours, individual work – 94 hours, examinations– 6 hours. Total 160 h.

Studijų rezultatų vertinimas

Final assessment sums the assessments of written final examination (50%), assessment of laboratory work (30%), and written mid-term examination (20%).


1. 2016 (Sept) D. Miklavčič (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Electroporation Springer http://refworks.springer.com/mrw/index.php?id=7381
2. 2010 A. G. Pakhomov, D. Miklavcic, and M. S. Markov (Eds.) Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), Boca Raton
3. 2006 Bogotsky, V. S. Fundamentals of Electrochemistry. Wiley-Interscience
4. 2004 Monk, P. Physical Chemistry: Understanding the Chemical World. John Wiley & Sons
5. 2016 Ravishankar V. Rai (Ed.), “Advances in Food Biotechnology“ John Wiley & Sons
Supplementary materials
1. 2010 Atkins, P. and De Paula, J. Atkins’Physical Chemistry. Ninth Edition. Oxford University Press
2. 2000 Bard, Allen J., and Faulkner, Larry R. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: Wiley
3. 2005 Engel T. and Reid, P.. Physical Chemistry. Pearson Cummings