Biomediciniai impulsinių elektrinių laukų taikymai
Dalyko anotacija lietuvių kalba
Kurso metu susipažįstama su impulsinių elektrinių laukų bimedicininiais taikymais: grįžtama ir negrįžtama elektroporacija, navikų elektrochemoterapija, vaistų elektropernaša per odą, gilių audinių ir organų elektroporacija, genų elektropernaša, mechanizmai ir genų terapija, ląstelių žuvimo mechanizmai po elektrinių laukų poveikio ir elektrochemoterapijos, kalcio elektroporacija sonoporacija ir jos biomedicininiai taikymai.
Dalyko anotacija užsienio kalba
The course introduces with Biomedical Applications of Pulsed Electric Fields: reversible and irreversible cell electroporation, antitumor electrochemotherapy, transdermal drug delivery, electroporation of deep seated tissues and organs, gene electrotransfer, mechanisms and gene therapy, cell death mechanisms after electroporation and electrochemotherapy, calcium electroporation, sonoporation and its biomedical applications.
Būtinas pasirengimas dalyko studijoms
General biology. General Genetics. Microbiology and Basics of Immunology. Instrumental Analysis. General Biotechnology.
Dalyko studijų rezultatai
Knowing and understanding of the mechanisms of reversible and irreversible electroporation; antitumor electrochemotherapy; transdermal drug delivery; gene electrotransfer and gene therapy; calcium electroporation; sonoporation and its biomedical applications.
Dalyko turinys
1. Reversible and irreversible cell electroporation. Basics and detection methods.
2. Basics of antitumor electrochemotherapy. Targets, Vascular effects. Drugs.
3. Technical aspects of antitumor electrochemotherapy, equipment, electrodes, modeling of distribution of electric fields within the target tissues.
4. Electrochemotherapy of deep seated tumors: challengers and perspectives.
5. Enhancement of efficiency of electrochemotherapy with immunotherapy and other therapies.
6. Calcium electroporation and its development for cancer treatment.
7. Biomedical applications of irreversible electroporation.
8. Basics of ns electroporation and it biomedical applications.
9. Principles electroporation-assisted transdermal drug delivery, ionophoresis, skin diseases, treatment outcomes, future developments.
10. Basics of gene therapy. Principles and mechanisms of gene electrotransfer.
11. Biomedical and biotechnological application of gene electrotransfer.
12. In vivo aspects of gene electrotransfer and gene therapy.
13. Perspectives of electrogene-therapy of cancer, muscular dystrophies and other congenital and acquired diseases.
14. Principles of sonoporation and microbubble cavitation.
15. Biomedical application of cell and tissue sonoporation.
Practical work (contents):
Evaluation methods of reversible and irreversible electroporation, flow cytometry, electrochemotherapy in vitro, calcium electroporation, in vitro and in vivo practical methods of gene electrotransfer, cell sonoporation, detection of microbubble cavitation.
Dalyko studijos valandomis
Lectures – 45 hours, laboratory work – 15 hours, individual work – 94 hours, examinations– 6 hours. Total 160 h.
Studijų rezultatų vertinimas
Final assessment sums the assessments of written final examination (50%), assessment of laboratory work (30%), and written mid-term examination (20%).
1. 2014 Electroporation Protocols: Preclinical and Clinical Gene Medicine (Methods in Molecular Biology) Humana Press; 2nd ed
2. 2011 Clinical Aspects of Electroporation Springer
3. 2010 Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine (Biological Effects Of Electromagnetics) CRC Press