Outgoing exchange students

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) bilateral exchange studies is an enriching experience for self-improvement while expanding study knowledge and skills of foreign languages, facing the differences in the study systems, exploring new culture, finding new interests, making new friends and bringing unforgettable memories.

VMU has over 200 Memorandums of Understanding with universities from 42 countries of the world. A detailed list of partner universities is published with the announcement about the contest for VMU Bilateral Exchange Studies abroad each semester.

VMU mobility scholarshipCompetitionFor selected students

VMU Mobility Scholarship

Since 2009 VMU has established a mobility scholarship for VMU students, seeking to ensure students’ mobility, foster partnerships, and retain close relations with partner universities outside the European Union.

Students who apply for this scholarship can study at a university abroad for a semester or a year. The competition is announced twice a year: during the Spring and Autumn semesters.

VMU Mobility Scholarship

Group of countries Duration
Countries of regions: South Asia, East Asia and Pacific; Middle East; North America; Latin America & the Caribbean 4-10 month 600 Eur/month
Countries of regions: Europe and Central Asia; North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa 4-10 month 500 Eur/month

More information is provided the Decription of Procedure for Award of VMU Mobility Scholarships.


Information about student selection and scholarship requirements can be found in Decription of Procedure for Award of VMU Mobility Scholarships.

The competition is announced twice a year: in February and in March. Students must prove great academic performance (without academic debts and academic hold). The competition is available to all VMU full-time degree students. An exception applies for the 1st-semester Undergraduate students.

Eligibility of candidates is decided on the following requirements:

  • Compatibility of  VMU study programme with study / research plan at accepting higher education institution abroad.
  • Academic results of two previous semesters and an average of them is not lower than grade 8. All students are evaluated by the academic performance of their last one/two semesters at VMU. In case the candidate is a 1st-semester Graduate or PhD student at VMU - the score of admission to VMU is evaluated.
  • Great level of foreign language in which lectures will be taught abroad (not lower than B2 level).
  • Motivation.
  • Additional academic, professional or social activities in Lithuania or abroad.

Students are invited to fill in the online application form (Outgoing-Application Form for Bilateral and Erasmus Study Exchange (non-EU Countries)), where the following information has to be provided:

  • General information
  • Motivation letter
  • Description of additional activities

When applying it is highly recommended to have a primary list of study subjects of accepting partner institution abroad matching student's study programme at VMU. The match of study subject can be reviewed with academic coordinator at your faculty.

Final results are announced by the e-mail and in the website of ICD within two weeks after the application deadline.

Information for selected students

After final list of selected students is announced, candidates are contacted by VMU International Cooperation Department (ICD) coordinator. Coordinator provides all mobility related information and necessary documentation before, during and after the mobility period.

Selected students commit to:

  • Prepare and submit all application documents of accepting institution and do that in time.
  • Check the compatibility of study subjects, selected to study at an accepting institution abroad, with the academic coordinator at your faculty. Note: a minimum of 23 ECTS credits are required.
  • Provide your academic coordinator with the credit transfer information from the official website of the receiving institution.
  • Fill out the Learning agreement, collect the required signatures and send the signed document to the ICD Coordinator via e-mail.
  • Fill in the Request for a Dean, collect the signatures via e-mail at your faculty with the help of the academic coordinator and send the document via e-mail to the ICD Coordinator.
  • Fill out the online Outgoing-Personal Data Form - Study Exchange necessary for your Financial Agreement.
  • Indicate your bank account No at studentas.vdu.lt. Instructions.
  • Send the Acceptance Letter with the semester dates indicated (and attach the Academic Calendar) to the ICD Coordinator via e-mail.
  • Pay attention to your academic results.  Your GPA for the last semester must be not lower than 8.0. 
  • Agree with the ICD Coordinator on the date for signing the VMU Bilateral Exchange Programme Scholarship Agreement.

In the beginning of mobility period abroad student has to:

  • Fill out Changes of Learning Agreement and send it to academic coordinator of your faculty as well as ICD coordinator by e-mail in case the list of subjects changes at accepting institution.
  • Agree with professors at accepting institution that the final evaluation of every course will be a grade. VMU does not accept “Pass” as evaluation. If professor declines to do that, inform your academic coordinator and change that study course in the Learning Agreement.

During the entire period abroad we encourage you to become active VMU ambassador, taking chances to promote the university.

At the end of mobility period:

  • Ask the exchange coordinator of accepting university to sign the Mobility Period Statement or issue equivalent document, where  dates provided must match the ones in your Financial Agreement confirmed before the mobility period.
  • Fill out the testimonial about the exchange period and share your photos of the mobility period abroad by sending them to the e-mail Juste.Lenortaviciene@vdu.lt. If you agree, your testimonials and photos will be shared with interested prospective exchange students by publishing them on ICD website.

After the period abroad student commits to:

  • Present the Mobility Period Statement or equivalent document signed by accepting institution, where the dates provided match the ones confirmed in Financial Agreement signed before the mobility, to ICD coordinator.
  • After receiving the Transcript of Records (the document with the grades gained at university abroad) visit academic coordinator at your faculty for finalizing the credits’ recognition procedure.

VMU Ambassadors

VMU Ambassadors are the students who have participated in VMU exchange programme and are ready to help with practical information and advises for those who are planning to go for VMU exchange studies abroad:

More information: