Information about COVID-19

Information updated at 11:00, 5 April 2022.
Prevention Measures and Actions against Coronavirus at Vytautas Magnus University
We would like to inform you that, starting from 1 March, we are returning to lecture rooms and the entire study process, including lectures, work in laboratory and practice, will be conducted face-to-face. Only the subjects that are intended to be studied remotely and have been specified as such in the schedule will continue to be conducted online.
While visiting the university’s premises, we kindly recommend to wear a medical mask or respirator in the common areas of the university and when there is more than one person in the room, keep a safe physical distance, wash hands regularly and, and if you must self-isolate or feel symptoms of a cold and other infectious diseases, stay home.
In accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of February 2, 2022, the mandatory National Certificate requirement is no longer required in Lithuania as of February 5, 2022:
- The mandatory periodic preventive testing of Vytautas Magnus University employees shall be revoked.
- The Covid-19 or PCR testing certificate is no longer required for contact learning at Vytautas Magnus University.
We will provide you with any changes in the current information or Government decisions. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to address your faculty and ICD coordinator.
Vaccination possibilities in Lithuania
Regarding self-isolation
From 23 February self-isolation remain mandatory only for those that have tested positive through PCR or antigen test or are suspected of having COVID-19 pending a confirmatory COVID-19 test result. There will be no need to self-isolate after the exposure to COVID-19, but it will still be recommended to work from home, observe health status, take rapid antigen self-tests, avoid physical contact with others, and wear respirators or medical masks. More.
PCR test for all persons who had contact with individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 disease is done for free, with the state funding, in all mobile points. You can register for the test online at or by calling 1808.
Dormitory restrictions
Support Fund for Students Affected by COVID-19 Outbreak
Vytautas Magnus University administration receives numerous student inquiries regarding the study process. The following information provides answers to the most frequently asked questions related to the Government’s decisions regarding the organization of the study process:
If you have any questions regarding the changes in the study organisation process at VMU in relation to COVID-19, please submit them to the email